First Cycle Questions


New member
Alright gentlemen here is my issue. I am 22 and have been lifting since my freshmen year in H.S. Over the last three years I have been focusing on quality lifts, diet, and what not. I have come to the realization that I cannot reach my goals without a little help. I am currently 5'10" and 173 lbs. BF tests place me at 4.5%, which is a little optimistic, but I'm not going to argue. My diet consists of 3100 cal, 40g fat, 310g protein, and 420g carbs, give or take. I need to hit 200 with-out becoming a fat-ass. I've heard the stories of 15-20 lbs of muscle on your first cycle. What is a recommendation for a quality first cycle, and perhaps a second? Also, should I try to find a hook-up from some stranger in the gym or attempt an online purchase? Thanks for the advice, and sorry the post is so damn long.

you will gain easily 15-20 lbs the first time. i gained 25 almost 30. and im finishing up real soon. i am not holding any water either.

you wont get a source from online so dont even try. the people who try are mostly feds, unless you can see the person i wouldnt buy from him. thats my theory. dont walk around the gym with a shirt that says, hey can i have some test or deca? on the back also..

a source kind of pops up, or is started throughout a friendship in the gym. start conversations with people who you KNOW are using in the gym, and SLOWLY talk to them about it..
Well you stats seem good. I think you really need to research more about how this game works. Finding a good source is hard. For the most part finding a source in a gym will get you ass raped on the prices, and the advise they will give will most likly be shity as well. Stay around the boards for a while. Dont try to do anything too complicated your first time around.
JuanOacha said:
Alright gentlemen here is my issue. I am 22 and have been lifting since my freshmen year in H.S. Over the last three years I have been focusing on quality lifts, diet, and what not. I have come to the realization that I cannot reach my goals without a little help. I am currently 5'10" and 173 lbs. BF tests place me at 4.5%, which is a little optimistic, but I'm not going to argue. My diet consists of 3100 cal, 40g fat, 310g protein, and 420g carbs, give or take. I need to hit 200 with-out becoming a fat-ass. I've heard the stories of 15-20 lbs of muscle on your first cycle. What is a recommendation for a quality first cycle, and perhaps a second? Also, should I try to find a hook-up from some stranger in the gym or attempt an online purchase? Thanks for the advice, and sorry the post is so damn long.


Yup, finding a source comes about through making friends on the boards or just getting lucky with a connection. As for what should be a 1st cycle, I'd recommend definitely test (enth, cyp, Sustanon (sust), etc) as you are looking for 20+lbs in gains and maybe some EQ as a stack, but even just one Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will grow you quick for a first timer. Could also consider prop/fina-->great stack. good luck bro.
For a first cycle......keep it simple, one compound.

Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate @ 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.

Learn how you react to Test alone BEFORE stacking other compounds with it.
StoneColdNTO said:
For a first cycle......keep it simple, one compound.

Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate @ 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.

Learn how you react to Test alone BEFORE stacking other compounds with it.

This is the BEST advice!!!:biggthump
StoneColdNTO said:
For a first cycle......keep it simple, one compound.

Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate @ 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.

Learn how you react to Test alone BEFORE stacking other compounds with it.

im on my second week of my first cycle.Just sust..I gained 5 pounds already.Im a newbie as well so my advice is not really valid at all compared to the veterans on this board.But anyway,seems to be working and I feel great.Listen to these guys and take thier advice.They now thier shit...
StoneColdNTO said:
For a first cycle......keep it simple, one compound.

Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate @ 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.

Learn how you react to Test alone BEFORE stacking other compounds with it.

I couldn't agree more. My first was test only, and it was great.
Test should always be the first one, altough I have to admit that I will be adding 400mg deca weekly with my 500mg weekly of Sustanon (sust) ;)
Thanks for the advice fellas. As you can tell I am very new to the steroid game. I will definitely post another thread before making any purchases. And Mexico is only 6 hours away.
