First cycle quick question...


New member
Is it safe to mix Winstrol (winny) and test prop in the same syringe and do a single injection ?

One person tells me to do mon-wed-fri and mix 1cc of each in a single syringe, and another tells me to do 2 seperate injections.

For obvious reasons I would rather not do 2 seperate injections as that would be 6 shots a week x 12 weeks lol...

p.s I am also stacking with 60mg of Anavar (var) ED
27, 5"10 210....don't know my body fat % but I can say im def over weight. I have about 3 yrs training experience but it's been on and off.

Also if I do in fact have to do 2 separate injections does it have to be in two separate muscle groups or could I do them say both in left delt right next to each other ?
did you already start? I hope you didn't because if your over weight then you need to get that in check first! roids wont help you with that a good clean diet will.. look at 3j diet form he has a lot of good advice.
I started with 60mg ed var..and the fat has been melting off, I'm only on my 3rd injection of test prop and Winstrol (winny) and I can already see some slight gains.

I'm not trying to get cut and look like a fitness model, I would just like to trim down my belly a bit, but I'm more focused on gaining size & strength.

I've been doing 1hr of cardio 3x a week, not sure if I should step that up or not..