First cycle started today test c/dbol (post gyno surgery)


New member
Hey everyone just started my first cycle. I am about 6 weeks out from gyno surgery. Probably started the cycle a bit premature but I just couldn't wait. Starting stats

180 lbs
10% bf
25 yrs
Lifting consistently for 4 years. (few occasional breaks)

I took the dbol and pinned shortly after. 50mg/day dbol (my source only has 50mg tabs). 500 wk on test c pinning 250 on mon and thurs. Running .5 mg arimidex eod. I wanted nolva since I had gyno surgery but I am hoping the adex will keep me clear. My gyno was puberty driven from about age 17. Being a smaller frames guy it was pretty bad looking. Injection was good and dbol made me light headed for a while. I have tried test when I was younger like a dumbass for about a month but at least Im somewhat familiar with it now that I'm taking it a little more serious. Going to post cycle therapy (pct) clomid 14 days after last pin at 100/50/50/50. My only concern is hoping the adex does it's magic. Will prob update results midway thru and at end. Thanks for reading