First Cycle: Sustaplex and T3


New member

Well, just started my first cycle ever and everything is going well. Im taking Sustaplex 325 and T3. I started on the 8th of March taking in 1ml in the right Glut and took my second shot on the 11th. I take the shots before bed right after the shower so the skin is soft. Im also taking 3 pils of
T3 at 0430 just before i hit the gym and then another dose right before lunch.

Funny thing is that i see alot of people here get real hot daily and very amped from T3. Me i feel no diffent. I get up everyday at 0415 at the gym by 0500 and by the time i get home around 5pm im ready for bed. I usually hit the bed by NLT 9. Im very tired after work. I've been feeling sore from the work outs this week. The shot to the ass hurts/burns like a "mother".

Original weight as of 8 March 09
177.4lbs 5'7ish..LOL!
Weight as of 12 MARCH 09 @ 0415

Sustaplex -1ml x 325
T3 - 125mcgs daily

Any help or concerns greatly welcomed


Well, t's been 10 long weeks and here is the results. I did get really serious about my diet till later on in the cycle. I'm now taking Nova at 20 mcgs per day to get it all back in line. I'm now also taking T3 and droping weight fast. I went from 183-178 in just 3 days. My weight during this got up to 189lbs. My body fat went from 18% to 13% as of last week being on Sust. I did get acne on the shoulders but tanning and lots of cleaning and SEABREEZ and SEASALT rub has helped some. I will now get the body fat under 10% and may start a second cycle in July I hope. I didn't get any Bad sides like the so called "ROID RAGE" OR HAIR LOSS. But the acne on the back sucked. I wasn't really going for heavy lifting. I was doing more reps and and very little rest in between sets. I did put up 275 lbs on the bench which is my highest ever. Here's how it went...

THE BAR: 10x for a good stretch
135x10 warm up
I'm guessing I could of got 285-295 up had I not done so much before. Now the T3 is kicking in and the strenght is going down.

This being my first cycle ever i've learned alot and now know what I need to focus on and take more seriously on the next cycle. Any critics are welcomed. Thanks Z!








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T3 should be taken on an empty stomach, so taking 1 pill right before lunch might interfere with it's absorption. Other than that, keep us posted, I'm very interested in seeing what kind of results you're gonna get as far as body composition goes. Do you know what your bf % is right now?
how long have you been working out? imo it doesnt look like you are ready for steroids but good luck with your cycle.
My body fat don't know but i'll check into it.

About working out. I've been working out for 8 years. I was involed in a motocycle crash in late 2006. I broke 4 ribs, my sternum and 3 vertabrea. I had titanium rods put in my back and 6 vert were all fused together. I was put 4 almost a year. Then in 2008 i had the rods romved and had to start all over again. With a broken back and learning to walk again with constant ain in the back i have to becareful not to lift alot of weight with the back. Im in Italy and travel alot. I got serious again in MId Jan of 09 i was 195lbs. Thanks for the advice i'll keep ya posted till next week. Ciao!

Oh! im 27 years old by the way..

here are the pics form the crash.. Italian was drinving in my lane and i got paid very well.
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Well, while i've been taken this stuff the wife is taking Primoplex 100 at half a ml per shot once a week on sunday night befor bed. This is her second week and she has noticed the her clit is enlarged any big problems here? She has 8 more weeks left. Thanks Rick
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When women take gear, the enlarging of the Clitoris is a side.

Man, you should know, after lifting for 8 years before your accident (that sucks by the way) you should def hit the gym and try to get back to where you were before touching the gear. If you were built before the accident your old body should come back fairly easily and quickly without the gear. JMO

Good luck man....train hard.
When women take gear, the enlarging of the Clitoris is a side.

Man, you should know, after lifting for 8 years before your accident (that sucks by the way) you should def hit the gym and try to get back to where you were before touching the gear. If you were built before the accident your old body should come back fairly easily and quickly without the gear. JMO

Good luck man....train hard.

Thanks Man! Yeah I know what her side affects should be but it goes back to normal correct. Also, She's taking T3 at the same time and is very bloated. I thought Primo was suppose to thin you out?

It's been 2-3 yrs since the accident and im workin hard. My last sugery was in feb of 2008 and then i was traveling alot. Will keep you posted