First Cycle Tes E Deca Tbol 21 year old help


New member
Hey everyone so this is my cycle im on my second week, Test 250 enathate for 10 weeks 2ml a week, mondays and thursdays..40mg Tbol a day for 4 weeks 10mg every 3 hours, Deca 250 for 10 weeks 1ml a week mondays and Thursday. Anaztrozole .5mg a day. I have some nolvadex and clmoid for post cycle therapy (pct). Im 2 months away from 21 and want to make sure I look good by my birthday I know I should have waited but I just went for it. I am 5'7 140 pounds 7% body fat I been working out for 1.5 years staying at 6reps 4 sts gaining strenght . My diet is pretty good right now spmetimes I eat up to 5k calories all clean lots of protein and carbs. So my goal is to be 160 i think this cycle might just take me over that I need help with my pct I have 1500mg of clomid and 600mg of nolva and a whole bunch of anaztrozole left over..also would it be okay to stop my cycle at lets say 7 weeks? I really dont want to pass 160lbs everyone at work woild be shocked lol..sorry for the Long post all help is appreciated
hey bro I'm new here but I came to the right place for help ... I'm not positive but ur young and test would of more that likely done the job ... good luck bro
Hey thanks for the replies guys, I just cant quit now it would really mean a lot to me if I reached my goal by my birthday I want to travel somewhere have some fun. I was also thinking of taking deca out
Just quit now and do a post cycle therapy (pct). There is no reason why you cant gain 20lbs naturally
Since I have low body fat would it be okay to use anaztrozole eod at .5 instead of ed because im starting to feel tired probably due to no estrogen ? I also decided to drop deca
I would have started my first cycle with test only to see how my body would react before mixing. You trained for 1½ year only? lmao you could have gained those 20 pounds natty easily with a good diet.
I know man im sure but my birthdays coming up the way this World is going who knows how Long we got so im just going to enjoy myself asap lol I know I might sound ridiculous but its true, help anyone?
And i started at 115 lb 6% body fat I made good progress I feel immature doing this but everyone learns from life
Thanks man, as for my pct again I have 1560mg clomid and 600mg nova plus a whole bunch of anaztrozole what would be a correct pct for my cycle?
140lbs? Is this a joke? I can't believe your on that much shit and your that little! If u don't change your outlook on life soon, your going to have a lifetime of health issues..
140lbs? Is this a joke? I can't believe your on that much shit and your that little! If u don't change your outlook on life soon, your going to have a lifetime of health issues..

Jeez I'm getting bashed on here..ill be fine man my one and only time I will do this I will get blood work done after, and I'm not that small I have thin thin bones and chicken legs (I work them out too) and upper body of a 155 pounder. Thanks for the concern I'm trying to do this as safe as possible
Thanks a lot man I appreciate it, 50/50/ that the daily doses after 2 weeks from last shot? 10 days in total of pct? Sorry if I misunderstood
this is weird, did you do any research at all? what does steroids have to do with having fun? im lost
If you're not going to help me just stop I already did it I'm responsible for my body enough talking down

Let the n00bs fuck themselves its okay, when your dick fails, or you have low test and you loose all your muscle because as soon as you come off and don't recover your androgen's will be at an all time low and you will loose it all over again. But here is the best way to look good for your birthday, lol .

But there's nothing anyone can say to stop you so here is the best way to do this.

break these down in 2 injects

Test 250 @ 500mg a week 12-14 weeks (run for 2 more weeks than deca)
Deca weeks 1-12 @ 400mg a week

if u dont want to extend your cycle

Test @ 250 for weeks 1-10
Deca @ 400 for weeks 1-8

Tbol go for 40mg ED

Nolva wont do jack coz your on deca, use clomid pct 100/100/50/50 or 50/50/50/50

Don't hold me responsible for your self fucking but if you want to use all your gear this is my way of doing it.