First cycle Test 250 ethanate


New member
Hey guys. I am 30yrs old and have been working out for about 2 and a half years. I reached a plateau at 183lbs. I'm 5 foot 8 at about 13% body fat. Im about a week and a half in and as the weight I'm pushing is going up slowly my body weight is staying the same. Was just wondering if anyone had any input on this? This is my first cyle of injectables. I've done prohoromones before and have seen faster results.
Your not really going to notice your numbers going up till like week 6 maybe. You should start waking up with morning wood around week 3-4. Test e is a long lasting ester. Much safer then any prohormone you can take and in the long run more effective.
this is my first cycle. Like I said I've done prohoromone cycles before but learned that Injectable is a lot safer. I was told I would see results in just a few days. Doesn't matter how long as long as I didn't waste my money and I do see results.
Your not really going to notice your numbers going up till like week 6 maybe. You should start waking up with morning wood around week 3-4. Test e is a long lasting ester. Much safer then any prohormone you can take and in the long run more effective.

Significantly increased libido comes within a week for me with e
Yea. Haven't had enhanced labido yet. If the first 2 posts are correct I still have a few weeks

Different for everyone. I'm 2 weeks in on my test e and people are noticing, significant weight gain, strength gain as well as horny as shit
Never really heard of anyone feeling it that fast. You must be lucky

My first TRT injection was 400mg and I was horny as f*ck 2 days later. Housewoman still knows to watch out on Wednesdays (shots on Mondays). I know it shouldn't kick in that fast but I'm pretty sure it's not placebo effect. My natural T level is really low though, that may have something to do with it.
My first TRT injection was 400mg and I was horny as f*ck 2 days later. Housewoman still knows to watch out on Wednesdays (shots on Mondays). I know it shouldn't kick in that fast but I'm pretty sure it's not placebo effect. My natural T level is really low though, that may have something to do with it.

Your natural T levels arebshut down now that you are on TRT.
Thats interesting your strength is increasing before the weight gain, usually its the other way around... Instant weight/water gain is like one of the first things.