First Cycle: Test C + EQ + Anavar


New member
Hello brotherins, I've finally made an account after a few weeks of lurking around and trying to learn as much as I can.

My background:

I've been working out for about 6 years or so. I'm now 20 years of age. I've made some awesome progress throughout the years, and been complimented all the time for being unnatty (even family, and parents lol). Started working out freshman year of high school at 132 lbs.. and I've managed to get up to 194 lbs last summer at around 11-12% BF. I'm 5'8 so everything looks really symmetrical/solid. Working out is my true passion and has really turned me into the outgoing and confident individual I am today. So a few weeks back I've decided I'm going to go big, and give my first cycle a go. I've always been pushed to compete by friends and people at the gym because they really think I have an incredible potential with my genetics but maybe after this I might give it a try! I say all this very humbly. I did get my pre blood work done and I'll post below. I'm very excited to see the results.

Current Stats/Measurements:

187 lbs
13% BF

I will post measurements as soon as I get back from my trip (aka next week)

Pre-Bloodwork Results:

Bloodwork was done fasted in the morning.

Testosterone, Serum: 534
Units: ng/dL Reference Interval: 348 - 1197​
Free Testosterone: 14.3
Units: pg/mL Reference Interval: 9.3 - 26.5​
FSH: 5.5
Units: mIU/mL Reference Interval: 1.5 - 12.4​
Estradiol: 8.3
Units: pg/mL Reference Interval: 7.6 - 42.6​

Cycle Information:

500mg Test C.
600mg EQ
50mg Anavar

Cycle Date/Outline:

12-16 weeks


HCG (ON cycle)

so, Nolva + Clomid (need proper dosage help)

GOOD Read:

In the last couple months I was a complete newbie to AAS, but now thanks to the abundant amount of information on these forums I've came a long way. I want to thank users such as Megatron and a couple of others that guided me in the right direction through their great stickies and threads. I'm very aware of the potential risks at my age, but I've decided to proceed because bodybuilding will always be a part of my life, and I honestly don't have a problem with being 30 lbs heavier. :laugh: BUT again, health is my main priority, so I want to be completely educated.
Going on, If it weren't for the great stickies, I wouldn't of considered HCG on cycle (Thanks rich :smashcomp) which I now will be using on cycle. I also will be using an AI on cycle as well because of the high estrogen risks. I will be starting within the next 3 weeks or so, just need to get some things arranged first.

What I could get help with:

Being an entrepreneur, I'm constantly on the move and I try to do as much research as possible before I actually start so that way I know every detail and specification. I'm being real OCD about this cycle because I want to do everything possible to recover the correct way. and I'm not one to jump into something before I have everything written out. To speed up this process, if you veterans could help me out with the proper Nolva+Clomid dosages that would be fantastic. I've read it a couple of times but I didn't get a chance and save it in the binder I'm saving all my notes in. I also need a recommendation on if I should use all the Var up front or split it up (beginning/end)... and any help with any other recommendations for timing like front loading the EQ, help me write out the cycle perfectly with the timing ect ect... I would love to hear all recommendations. Like I said I'm still trying to get everything together and these last bit and pieces of info together with the help of all you geniuses :)

Also looking for someone really willing to help me with any questions and just be a guide for me.
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Bumpedy Bump Bump.

Hey guys, any other recommendations that I should be doing, something I'm missing, ect?

Thanks! :wavey:

Edit: I need a bit of help with AI dosage/timing on cycle... as well as the PCT I found this:

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10

- Could someone explain that? beginning a week after last injection correct?

- Regarding HCG: 250iu twice a week... so any recommendations on the specific days? same days as Test/EQ injections? I will be doing the HCG Sub-Q

- Thoughts on front loading the EQ?

- Recommended gauges for HCG ? Same as Test/EQ gauges?
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Obviously you have not come far enough. First of all, you should have read that you need to wait until you are at least 25 years old before using AAS -- the stickies cover why this is important. And you should have read that a first cycle should only be with Test - no EQ or Anavar.

You said health is your main priority. But running this cycle now contradicts that statement.