First Cycle Test Cypionate


New member
Hey guys I will start off with some stats and some info about my supps.

Im 5'9 205 18% bf. Ive been working out religiously since I was 14.

Test Cyp 250
Hawthorne berry
Milk Thistle
Flaxseed Oil
.5mg of Liquidex EOD

I am currently getting ready to go into week 4 of 10 weeks running test c at 500mg per week. I inject tues and friday (250mg each). So far I have been alternating my glutes. Im eating like a horse, shooting for 4000 calories a day. Havent noticed any significant gains yet other than very mild strength and hardening.

Im up to 209 right now my workouts consist of 2 body parts per day 4-5x per week (back/bi's, traps/shoulders, chest/tri's, legs/calves) and running a mile and a half at the end of my workout.

My current situation is that my last 2 pins (right and left glute) have been acting up. Last tuesday i shot my right glute, I know i moved the needle and may not have been deep enough. Well it swelled up to a knot and the whole area around it (4"x4") became red/hot/itchy. As of yesterday there is virtually no signs of anything there.

I had my buddy inject my left glute for me friday, it went perfect...but then the same side affects again. Hot/swollen/red no pain other than the normal bruised feeling. I dont know how the first 2 weeks could be picture perfect then all of a sudden I have side affects like this. Any help would be AWESOME! Sorry for the long post, You guys are great here. Ill keep the updates coming.
So you gained some 4 lbs from you cycle mein friend?
Real Good Erick!
That sound realy Good!

i like Test Cyp!

How is your diet and your apetite? hungry like a beast??
Im starving hungry like every hour and a half!!! I eat non stop it feels like! Its awesome. I feel like I can never get full!
Would Test E give you the same appetite results? Or is this for Test C only? Trying to learn.
I would imagine it would...Im litterally hungry every hour and a half no matter how much I eat. I had back and bi's today. Im not gonna break my entire workout down for you because I am sure we all do it a little differently and what works for one doesnt always work for another. With that being said, I absolutely killllled my biceps. Which turned into about 4 sets of tricep rope pushdowns just for a little burn on the other side! Finished up with some forearm exercises, ran a mile and a half, and did some core twists with a 25lb plate. Awesome workout. Im starting to notice increased vascularity in my arms, not too much difference in size but my endurance is out of this world already. I have shoulders and traps tomorrow and I'm already jacked up for that!
I would imagine it would...Im litterally hungry every hour and a half no matter how much I eat. I had back and bi's today. Im not gonna break my entire workout down for you because I am sure we all do it a little differently and what works for one doesnt always work for another. With that being said, I absolutely killllled my biceps. Which turned into about 4 sets of tricep rope pushdowns just for a little burn on the other side! Finished up with some forearm exercises, ran a mile and a half, and did some core twists with a 25lb plate. Awesome workout. Im starting to notice increased vascularity in my arms, not too much difference in size but my endurance is out of this world already. I have shoulders and traps tomorrow and I'm already jacked up for that!

Wall things will give staisfaction, you're already at the alf of the cycle, and remember this one forst one. all sounds dell good to you Erick!
Had the first pin of week 4 today. I shot my right quad. So far so good, normal sore/tight feeling. I have an hot pad on it now, well see how it looks tomorrow. The redness is pretty much gone from my left glute, although it still itches and still a bit swollen. Its weird, i can still feel a dull pain in my right glute from a week ago, only when i sit a certain way for an extended period of time though. Ate like a horse today. Before 10am I had already eaten a pb&j sandwich, bacon egg and cheese bagel from dunkin doughnuts, a 25g protein bar and 2 bottles of water. Didnt make it into the gym because I got held up at work today but no big deal, ill hit it super hard the next 3 days since im off. Ill get on here tomorrow and let you know if I have the same effects as i did in my glutes for my thigh.
No sides from the pin yesterday. I guess I need to rotate injection sites after 2 shots. Traps and shoulders were awesome today, increased indurance and strength is really starting to come along 4 sets of 15 with 100lb dumbbells was nothing. Physically I still dont see much of a change so hopefully that starts kicking in soon.
All goos things Erick!

You're becoming a mad-machine! LOL

All good!

let pending your attention on your food regularly, if you need make some adjust.

you have to run always suffisent carb.
Weeks 4 on you should start seeing strength gains and bigtime increase in libido. kinda suprised you only gained 4 pounds so far cause it sounds like your eating big, 2 pounds of that is probably also water. You said your doing each bodypart 2x week working out 5x a week? That could be where your problem lies. I shouldn't say problem but lack of weight gain more the less. At 209lbs im imagining you wanna get thicker and fuller? More is not always better. I remember my first cycle I didn't see body composition changes like I wanted so I tried this routine on here this guy Pullinbig had, it should still be a sticky in the training forum. Basically each bodypart once a week low volume, high intensity, focusing on major compounds, Squat, Deads, Bench. Im still doing a routine similar and im sitting at a lean 275lbs. Im not a believer at all in each bodypart 2x week. Recovery time and packing in the Cal's is where it's at. Just a suggestion for ya bro go heavy and go intense. As far as the glute pain we all know what thats like. Get some 25g 1inch pins and hit the delts it's less painful believe it or not. I used to be a sissy with needles until I had my girl give me my first delt shot. Now I will stick to short ester gear hear on out and EOD injects thats where it's at.
Dlove thanks for that awesome info. Im definately getting leaner and i am seeing more vascularity and strength is comin up a little but nowhere near where I figured I would be right now. But from what I hear Cyp kicks in right around week 4 and I can definately say this week has been the best yet. And the pain is no big deal at all. It pretty much just feels like someone punched ya hard in the ass or quad or wherever. Thats no big deal. My issue with the glute shots were that all of a sudden I was getting red/itchy/swollen all around the injection site. It was about a 4"x4" area. The left glute was even bigger. So I switched to quads and did an injection in each one and so far no problems. I think I may have been shooting it in too hard/fast.

As for my updates, My appetite is out of control. I eat non stop all day as soon as I eat a large meal it feels like im already starting to get hungry again. My face and shoulders are getting kinda oily most definately getting more vascular, strenth is up a little this week im very happy with how im starting to look too. My bi's and tri's are no doubt the biggest they have ever been. I have shoulders and traps tomorrow so Ill give an update again then.
yes Erick lil sides, that will be easy to clear.

BTW good updates!

good gains to!
Hey sorry I havent given any updates. the rest of the cycle went really well and i actually finished the last month with 50mg/day of Winstrol (winny). I started the cycle at 202 and finished at 217. I didnt get as much as I thought I would out of it. I ate very good and ate alot throughout the whole cycle. I ended up running the test c for 16 weeks and Winstrol (winny) for the last 4 weeks. I am noticably more vascular but strength did not go up too considerably. All in all I was honestly a little let down.