Hey guys I will start off with some stats and some info about my supps.
Im 5'9 205 18% bf. Ive been working out religiously since I was 14.
Test Cyp 250
Hawthorne berry
Milk Thistle
Flaxseed Oil
.5mg of Liquidex EOD
I am currently getting ready to go into week 4 of 10 weeks running test c at 500mg per week. I inject tues and friday (250mg each). So far I have been alternating my glutes. Im eating like a horse, shooting for 4000 calories a day. Havent noticed any significant gains yet other than very mild strength and hardening.
Im up to 209 right now my workouts consist of 2 body parts per day 4-5x per week (back/bi's, traps/shoulders, chest/tri's, legs/calves) and running a mile and a half at the end of my workout.
My current situation is that my last 2 pins (right and left glute) have been acting up. Last tuesday i shot my right glute, I know i moved the needle and may not have been deep enough. Well it swelled up to a knot and the whole area around it (4"x4") became red/hot/itchy. As of yesterday there is virtually no signs of anything there.
I had my buddy inject my left glute for me friday, it went perfect...but then the same side affects again. Hot/swollen/red no pain other than the normal bruised feeling. I dont know how the first 2 weeks could be picture perfect then all of a sudden I have side affects like this. Any help would be AWESOME! Sorry for the long post, You guys are great here. Ill keep the updates coming.
Im 5'9 205 18% bf. Ive been working out religiously since I was 14.
Test Cyp 250
Hawthorne berry
Milk Thistle
Flaxseed Oil
.5mg of Liquidex EOD
I am currently getting ready to go into week 4 of 10 weeks running test c at 500mg per week. I inject tues and friday (250mg each). So far I have been alternating my glutes. Im eating like a horse, shooting for 4000 calories a day. Havent noticed any significant gains yet other than very mild strength and hardening.
Im up to 209 right now my workouts consist of 2 body parts per day 4-5x per week (back/bi's, traps/shoulders, chest/tri's, legs/calves) and running a mile and a half at the end of my workout.
My current situation is that my last 2 pins (right and left glute) have been acting up. Last tuesday i shot my right glute, I know i moved the needle and may not have been deep enough. Well it swelled up to a knot and the whole area around it (4"x4") became red/hot/itchy. As of yesterday there is virtually no signs of anything there.
I had my buddy inject my left glute for me friday, it went perfect...but then the same side affects again. Hot/swollen/red no pain other than the normal bruised feeling. I dont know how the first 2 weeks could be picture perfect then all of a sudden I have side affects like this. Any help would be AWESOME! Sorry for the long post, You guys are great here. Ill keep the updates coming.