First Cycle! Test E 12 weeks


New member
Hi all! I am about to start my first cycle of Test E for 12 weeks

1-12 Test E M/Th 500 MGS
Arimidex on hand

NOlva: 40/40/20/20

Eating right at maintainence: 2500 (will increase if needed)

5-8 185 12-13 % BF
Squat: 420 x 1
Deadlift:505 x1
Read this thread and all its links:

Are you planning pre, mid and post blood work?

No mention of HCG? Do you know what it is and why it's suggested ti be run on cycle?

Your PCT should contain nolva and clomid (SERMS) and not aromasin (AI)

Ok so 500mg total a week test e.

At that dose your probably going to need to use the adex start it .25mg eod at start if cycle and adjust dosage when you get mid blood work done.

Do yourself a favor and read that thread provided.

Educate before you medicate
Read this thread and all its links:

Are you planning pre, mid and post blood work?

No mention of HCG? Do you know what it is and why it's suggested ti be run on cycle?

Your PCT should contain nolva and clomid (SERMS) and not aromasin (AI)

Ok so 500mg total a week test e.

At that dose your probably going to need to use the adex start it .25mg eod at start if cycle and adjust dosage when you get mid blood work done.

Do yourself a favor and read that thread provided.

Educate before you medicate

bloods are done. Also I have read a lot of threads stating that aromasin has been used in PCT


I've read many threads stating hcg isn't necessary either
As Hiram pointed out you have problems with your cycle protocol. It could be improved

Also, Test E takes more than one week to clear. You are starting PCT too soon. Give it 2-3 weeks after your last injection.
As Hiram pointed out you have problems with your cycle protocol. It could be improved

Also, Test E takes more than one week to clear. You are starting PCT too soon. Give it 2-3 weeks after your last injection.

so just go with the standard pct

clomid and novla?

Ive read nolva past 20 mg is not effective.

clomid: 150mg/150mg/100/100
nolva: 20/20/20/20
Bud i've read these about 100 times. Do you realize how much conflicting information is out there? I understand what a pct is. I can give you tons of articles on this site contradicting everything.