First Cycle test e 500mg x 12 weeks (log) w pics


New member
Doing a pretty standard first cycle of test e 500mg x week. I also do fighting sports so I was coming from a match the month before, therefore I was a bit underweight but ripped.

My stats are:
Age: 33
Years training: 10
Height: 5'10"
Bodyweight: 177 lbs
Body fat: 12%

My cycle and PCT:
Week 0: Blood work (results below)
Week 1-12: Test e 250mg, 2x/week
Week 1-12: hcg @ 250iu 2x/week
Week 1-15: Arimidex 0.25mg EoD

PCT 14 days after last injection
Clomid 75/50/50/50 Nolva 40/20/20/20

Before the cycle I had bloodworks done:

Blood work (pre-cycle):

testosterone total: 8.568 ng/mL (range 1.424 – 9.231)
testosterone free: 15.5 ng/dL (range 4.7 – 24.4)

Estradiol: 17.0 pg/ml (range 11 – 44)
Prolactin: 11.66 ng/mL (range 3.46 – 19.40)
SHBG: 49.6 nmol/L (range 32.4 – 128)

I’m into week 3 at the moment and I already gained about 6-8 lbs, however much could be water retention as I look a bit bloated. I will also fine tune the diet a bit more (I was eating plenty of proteins but a bit too much carbs and not doing enough cardio).

Pics are below (1 and 2 week). Any opinion or comment is much appreciated.
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Welcome. Good first cycle, decent base and really good pre cycle bloodwork numbers. I'll be following your progress. Kill it!
Week 4 - 185 lbs. Everything's great, no side effects, training 5 times a week on average. Eating a bit cleaner, but I'm always unbelievably hungry so sometimes I throw in there a little dessert or too much carbs at late hours. However, protein intake is huge and continuous. I'm having also 2-3 scoops of protein powder a couple of times a day. Libido is incredible, almost too much if I can say it. Gains in weight lifting are very good too. I'm definitely happy with the choice I made for this cycle.
Hey mate how's everything going? I am about to start the exact same cycle this week! With your hcg do you know what 250ui is in mg's? I am from Australia and mine says 5000mg/ml so wondering what the conversion is, I have typed it in on some online conversion calculators but its saying I need to take 5mls of hcg to equal 250ui which couldn't be right.

Thanks in advance.
Great gains I Like how you researched before running this cycle. Got blood work and went about things right. Good luck with this cycle I will be following this one
HI guys and thanks for all the comments. I'm into week 6 already and going great. 187 lbs. Muscular quality is getting better and I'm eating cleaner than before: brown rice, broccoli and chicken all day long.
I tried to up the arimidex to 0.5 eod because I had a bit of moon face, but it was counterproductive as I felt it was bad for libido, erections etc. So back to 0.25 eod and everything feels alright. Great gains in strength and especially in endurance and recovery: I train everyday and very hard, but I'm never tired. You can really push your limits while on this. NO sides for now, just a bit of oily skin and greasyhair (have to wash them everyday otherwise they look very bad). No acne. I should go get mid cycle bloodwork done as soon as I have a bit of time (hopefully end of the week).View attachment 564774
Week 8 189.5 lbs. Training everyday but feeling a bit weak this last days. I had mid cycle bloodwork done last week:
Estradiol 32 pg/mL range 11 - 44
FSH <0.1 mIU/mL range 0.95 - 11.95
LH <0.01 mIU/mL range 1.14 - 8.75
Testosterone > 34.608 ng/mL range 1.424 - 9.231
Opinions on this? I'm not feeling the boost of test anymore those last weeks, together with less libido and softer morning woods. I've tried (before the bloodwork) to up the adex to 0.5 eod instead of 0.25, but it didn't change the situation much. Also, in this same mid cycle bloodwork I had very high levels of cholesterol (total 272 mg/dL, hdl 38 and ldl 208)!!! They were in the range before starting the cycle, is this normal?
I'm already taking fish oil, will try to add niacin and some cardio (didn't do much of this during the cycle).
Great numbers save for the cholesterol. I'd stick with .25 of Adex. I went through the same loss of morning wood and libido. Not sure why. It'll work its way out. Estrogen levels are solid IMO.

Try taking 2 days off. Maybe train 5 on two off from now on? You've been killing it in the gym everyday and that's gonna take a toll whether on or off cycle. You still feel the test- that's in your head. You're just associating the libido/am wood issue with overall fatigue, probably due to over training.

Gear seems legit with those test numbers!

Cholesterol goes up on cycle, that's part of the deal. Keep eating clean and taking fish oils.
thanks for the advices GaijinJapan. I knew that cholesterol was going to increase on cycle, but when I saw those numbers I was like s**t I'm gonna have a stroke. The weird thing is that in the beginning my cholesterol was within the range, and in a couple of months it doubled. Yes I think I should focus more on eating clean and do more cardio. And it's not really that I feel a loss of libido, I better say that it's not anymore like in the first weeks when I was horny 24/7. Lol I was actually enjoying that.
whats your diet look like for this cycle?? do you have daily totals?? are you actually weighing and measuring everything?
As said training 5 days a week can take it's toll on overall energy. I have always liked a 3 on 1 off routine. 3 days to do complete body and rest 1 day. However I also would do something like calves or some , One small body part with no overall fatiguing effects on the 4th day what would really be the day off. But remember Diet, training and rest is what it's about. Rest is super important. Good luck :wavey:
Folks, Is HCG reason behind low libido?
With such high Test levels and also Estro in control what must be the reason behind low libido? I dont think over training can b the reason.
Hcg generally increases libido.
Again, I feel it'll just work its way out.
Don't underestimate the negative effects that overtraining can have.
You've been on a marathon training spree. How many marathon runners go home after a race and feel horny enough to have a romp? I've no clue as I can't run more than 5k, but I'd doubt many do.
When you're body is completely exhausted its concerned about rest and nutrition, not about reproduction.
Hi guys,
I had to delete the pics for personal reasons and I apologize for this. I've just entered the pct since a couple of days and everything is going great. I closed the cycle at 192 lbs and in a great shape. My strength went up big time and I'm very happy with the overall results. THere was a moment that lasted a couple of weeks, around week 9, when I started feeling a little bit weird and weak, but it passed soon. I upped my arimidex to 0.25 everyday and I felt slightly better. I think that what was messing up a little bit everything was using hcg, of which I heard is not possible to control estrongens with ai. Infact, in the first 2 weeks when i discontinued the test before starting pct I also dropped the hcg and I soon felt like in the beginning of the cycle (when I had the best effect - at least moodwise- imo). Another thing that helped was adding a couple of cardio sessions a week and eating cleaner. Overall I gained around 18 lbs and it was a very nice experience where I also learnt a lot. Now the hardest part, pct and trying to keep the gains.

I have a question: will there be a period of withdrawal when I'll be feeling particularly weak/depressed/with low libido etc or is it usually gradual so I shouldn't really feel it? thanks!