First cycle, Test E 700 Deca 450mg


New member
Ok so i'm on my 2nd week of my cycle, looking for some advice or tips and support. checked out some of the other cycles posted on here already and thought I would put mine up.
Did some research but not enough, i'm constantly looking shit up on the daily though so little by little i'll get it.

I'm cycling
Test E 700mg pinning 350mg x2 a week, monday and thursdays (14-15 weeks depending if I have some left over after my last planned pinned on week 14)
Deca-Dura about 400-420mgs a week pinning only mondays (12 weeks) (thoughts on this please, do you think I should split the deca also or is it too late in my cycle, or does it not really make that much of a difference if I pin 2x a week on this?)

Stats- (before)(all cold no pump)
24 5'7 155lbs 10% BF (guesstimating here on the BF but i'm a pretty lean dude)

Chest 42in
Biceps 15.2
Forearms 12.6
Waist 29 1/2
Hips 30 1/2
Quads 22 1/2
Calves 15.5

I fucking eat everything in sight, 90% home cooked meals, getting in about 7-9 meals a day and consistent with it
Random tuna packs and protein bars/shakes if I get the urge
Steak, Chicken, Salmon, Tuna, Brown rice, my diet is pretty on point has far as getting enough protein and nutrition I think.

I'm on some powders too, Amino FX/ creatine / hyper FX pre-workout (was on JACK3D for a long time but taking a break for a few weeks and just dosing about half a scoop of the Hyper FX to get some caffeine in before hitting the gym. Other then that i'll eat a cliff brownie bar or one of those Gatorade chew shits to get some good carbs for energy at the gym.

looking for some advice, and input.

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Not going to measure again until week 4
Weight is up to 166lbs, feeling like a fucking god in the gym, pumps from workouts are becoming more intense and just feels...fucking great.
Not too much water retention, Vascularity is seriously up, especially in my arms and my torso and legs...shit veins everywhere, can still see all my abs, muscles feel and look fuller.
Strength has gone up a little but not a lot, however my endurance is is higher and muscles are getting less fatigued so I have had to up the intensity.

Nothing has far as the common side effects I see people complaining about while on similar cycles. I check often, i'm a bit on the paranoid side.

That is basically it for now, i'm an open book so shoot!
Just curious, are you on an ai? Caber?

Im almost done with the same cycle except my doses are test 600mg/wk and deca 400mg/wk. I pin 2x a week on both.
Not on Aromatase inhibitor (AI) atm, just running the test/deca. i'm pinning 2x a week on the test and running all the Deca at once on Mondays.
I just have clomid for PCT on hand but I do need to order an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in case anything. This next check i'm going to get it and have it shipped over night if needed but it doesn't seem to be the case so far. got any suggestions on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) btw? I'm @ the end of week 2, hows your progress with it, see some good gains?
Not on Aromatase inhibitor (AI) atm, just running the test/deca. i'm pinning 2x a week on the test and running all the Deca at once on Mondays.
I just have clomid for PCT on hand but I do need to order an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in case anything. This next check i'm going to get it and have it shipped over night if needed but it doesn't seem to be the case so far. got any suggestions on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) btw? I'm @ the end of week 2, hows your progress with it, see some good gains?

You shouldn't wait to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) until you see gyno. Exogenous test use will cause aromatization leading to increased estrogen levels. If nothing else this wastes some of the results of the compounds you're taking. Any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will do letro, Adex, or aromasin but get one and start dosing when you get it. Start mild and adjust as needed with a blood test. It will help with contoprolling water weight, BP issues, keep the test from aromatizing, etc.
Not on Aromatase inhibitor (AI) atm, just running the test/deca. i'm pinning 2x a week on the test and running all the Deca at once on Mondays.
I just have clomid for PCT on hand but I do need to order an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in case anything. This next check i'm going to get it and have it shipped over night if needed but it doesn't seem to be the case so far. got any suggestions on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) btw? I'm @ the end of week 2, hows your progress with it, see some good gains?

Agreed with doc. Dont wait unil things start happening. Better than to prevent than treat. Im on adex .5mg eod and caber .5mg e2d. Gains are good. Got about 2-4 weeks left depending if i want to stretch it farther and im up 17 lbs of this morning. Been stuck at 225 for about 3 weeks, decided to increase carbs to finish off at 230
You shouldn't wait to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) until you see gyno. Exogenous test use will cause aromatization leading to increased estrogen levels. If nothing else this wastes some of the results of the compounds you're taking. Any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will do letro, Adex, or aromasin but get one and start dosing when you get it. Start mild and adjust as needed with a blood test. It will help with contoprolling water weight, BP issues, keep the test from aromatizing, etc.

Thanks for that, I'm going to put a rush on getting it then and look up some info on dosages, the ones i'm looking @ are 2.5mg letro tabs.
Agreed with doc. Dont wait unil things start happening. Better than to prevent than treat. Im on adex .5mg eod and caber .5mg e2d. Gains are good. Got about 2-4 weeks left depending if i want to stretch it farther and im up 17 lbs of this morning. Been stuck at 225 for about 3 weeks, decided to increase carbs to finish off at 230

Thanks, I know now and on it. How tall are you? shit man...ive been trying to break 180 for the longest, highest ive been was a steady 170 before my diet got off track for a little and I dropped to 155-160ish.
Thanks for that, I'm going to put a rush on getting it then and look up some info on dosages, the ones i'm looking @ are 2.5mg letro tabs.

Letro typically has a 99.9% bioavailability and a half life of ~2days. It's also very very effective at stopping aromatization. Start off with a very mild dose EOD and work up if needed.
Thanks, I know now and on it. How tall are you? shit man...ive been trying to break 180 for the longest, highest ive been was a steady 170 before my diet got off track for a little and I dropped to 155-160ish.

Im 6'2, its all in the diet man. What is your goal weight this cycle?
I have access to some Tamoxifen-citrate tabs @ home, wondering if this would work fine for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ?

No. Use adex, aro, or letro. I cant remember why, but according to some ramking members on here, youre not supposed to run nolva with 19nors
Yea I have been doing some research of how to take it but I have some concerns with it. It says a good dosage to start for base, correct me if i'm wrong, .25mgs, the tabs i'm getting are 2.5, it sounds like its going to be a pain in the ass even trying to cut these. I read that half life is 3-4 days so would it be a good idea to do 1.25 (1/2 the tab) every 4 days?
I also decided to split the deca so i'm pinning it mon-thurs along with the test. Alot of this was the pip was a little harsh, hurt to sit and basically anything else, and I was pushing right about 3ml into the glute at once, now I got it down to 2.2ml each pin. Its feeling a little better, will know for sure by this time tmw how bad the pip is but I have a positive outlook its going to be pretty good. Other then that, I was looking up Anastrozole and considering getting that instead of the letro because this letro dosage & its potency has me a bit paranoid. I'm not sure what kicked into high gear today, the test or deca, but I felt pretty good at the gym, muscles felt tight and my skin felt like it was tearing through, gave me that feeling that i HAD to flex them after every set, feels pretty damn amazing.
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