First Cycle Test-E/Beastrol. Look ok?


New member
Just getting ready to run my first test cycle. I'm 26, 6'3 240lbs 8-10% bf. Have been lifting hard for about 10 years now. I have ran many PH cycles in the past and decided to give test a shot. I have read about 100 forums so hopefully I have everything planned out right. Here's what it looks like:

Weeks 1-10: test E 250mg Mon/Thurs
Weeks 1-4: Beastrol 20/30/30/30
Weeks 1-6: N2Guard 3 caps a.m. 2 caps p.m. Until gone
Weeks 4-10: HCGenerate 3 caps a.m. 2 caps p.m Until gone
Weeks 1-10: adex on hand in case any gyno. Like .25-.5mg EOD if flare up

post cycle therapy (pct): 2 weeks after last pin
Unleashed: Week 1- 3 caps a.m. 3 caps p.m.
Week 2-on 3 caps a.m.
Forged: Week 1-4 2 caps a.m. 2 caps p.m.
Week 4-on 2 caps a.m.
Forma: Weeks 1-4 5 pumps a.m. and 5 pumps p.m.
Weeks 5-6 3 pumps a.m. 3 pumps p.m.
DAA: 3.5mg/ED 1 week after last pin

Also, I have nolva & letro on hand but don't think I should need it. I've been told in earlier post this post cycle therapy (pct) is better than using nolva. Let me know if there's anything I should change before I start in a couple days. Thanks