First cycle test E/dbol

The AP

New member
Hey all. I am new here. First, the preliminaries

I am 21 now and have been training for 5 years

I came from 135lb at 5'8" 20+% BF to currently

5'8" 184lb at 10-11%
bicep: 16"
chest: 44"
quads: 24"
calves 16"
waist: 32.5"

Bench press 315 x 6
Squat 365 x 5
Standing press 135 x 5

I no longer deadlift due to reoccuring injuries.

My ultimate goal is to actually compete in some form or fashion, ultimately around 230-250 lean. This cycle, I would love to put on 20-30 pounds and stay around the same body fat, add some more strength. Here's the cycle plans

Weeks 1-12 test E 500mg
Weeks 1-6 Dbol 50mg ED
Weeks 1-14 .25 arimidex EOD/as needed etc

Weeks 14-18 Clomid (liquid form; odd dosages) 70/70/35/35
Weeks 14-18 nolva 20/20/20/20

I also have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support, that I will take probably on an every day basis just to help out blood pressure, cholesterol, liver, etc.

Currently awaiting my shipment to get here, post cycle therapy (pct), Aromatase inhibitor (AI), everything else is on hand and ready to go.
A ton of views, no replies. Always a promising start.

No shipment today, hopefully it will be here tomorrow. Hopefully. Until it gets here I am IF cutting a little, trying to get as much body fat off as I can until the stuff arrives. Generally eating 2500-2600 calories a day, and my macros fluctuate day to day but mainly 200+ carbs and protein, the rest is fat. A gallon and a half a day of water.
Honestly you should wait a couple years. If you want the best advice possible 23,24 ish at least.

If you are dead set on it I guess your more than likely gonna run it anyway.

Keep sodium levels down.

Live 52, milk thistle or other liver support.

For a first cycle I would drop the dbol but as said before you already ordered and your prob gonna use it so..

Depending on mg per tab of the dbol I would lower the dose and cut the dbol to 4 weeks for the first cycle or maybe run 35mg or so for 6 weeks. Everything else looks fine.

Good luck to you
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Unfortunately its 50mg tabs. I was having second thoughts about running it so high for 6 weeks as a first cycle. I guess I'll feel it out and if sides start flaring up, extreme back pumps, gyno, etc, I'll go down to 25mg a day for 4 weeks.

What's your opinion on the arimidex? I'd rather not use it if I don't have to so I can gain more according to some, others say it needs to be taken at the beginning regardless.
You're most likely going to need the adex with dbol. I agree with above, especially you really want to run it at 50mg a day, only run it for 4 weeks. Also, you still should break the tabs in half and take 25mg twice a day.

Everything else looks good, might wanna consider running the nolva 40/40/20/20
Dbol even needs to be taken more than twice for the best possible blood concentration levels. 4x a day and ur levels will stay pretty high. But I wouldn't run 50mg for 6weeks. Like said above if u want to run it at 50 just do 4 weeks. But I think 50 is just to much for first cycle. You'd blow up from 20mg..and yea ur going to want to take that adex for sure. Prevent problems from happening bro...don't wait till they do.
your cycle seems well researched, but listen to the guys about the dbol. plus it is just a kick start most lean mass is gonna come from the test anyways.
40mg/ed for 4 weeks is best for first cycle.
play it safe and be patient !!
^^agreed. Start with a low dose man. First time users aren't even recommended to take an oral. Just one compound..test.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I will try to split the pills up the best I can based on how they are sized and take 25mg a day.

I might should have waited, but I've already paid and the stuff should be here in the next 2-3 days, so I'm going for it. My heart is set on it now, and I just don't see myself stashing away this gear for 2 to 3 years. I do appreciate the comments and hope you guys will follow along. Until tomorrow.
I'm looking at pretty much the same cycle. But when I was talking with a couple gym buds they said they don't even like the dbol and they've done several cycles. They think it's too "gnarly" haha.
So I'm going with their experience and starting deca a week before test e and stopping it a week before. Let us know how it all goes!
Well guys, I have good news and bad news.

Good news is, everything came in today. Bad news is, the dbol is in 50mg capsules. Therefore, I am either going to skip the dbol, or run 50mg a day for 4 weeks. I'm leaning more towards the latter.

I injected my test E today. Pretty good oil. I was somewhat paranoid about the first jab, I got most of the bubbles out but there were still the microscopic ones that I was sure would kill me if they entered a blood vessel. Regardless, I got the stuff in me and I'm here to type it out. I believe my needles might be a bit too small, because pushing down the plunger took literally around 10 minutes, but I guess this time, slow and steady wins the race.

Now that my stuff is here, I'm changing my routine to

Monday - Chest/Arms
Tuesday- Back/Shoulders
WEdnesday - Legs
Thursday - Chest/Arms
Friday - Back/shoulders
Saturday - Legs
Sun - Off

I am going to push the calories on up. Looking now at 120/450/300 Fat carb protein split. I'm going to wait to take the dbol tonight before I work out, and I'll report back with exercises, sets, reps, etc.
Just break open the capsules. Be careful not to destroy them, and mix it In something aand drink it bro! You don't have to take the whole capsule.
Oh and don't worry about the bubbles. In Med school they teach u to actually inject .4cc of air after an IM injection to lock the injection in so nothing will come back out.
if 1 pill = 50mg what u can do is just make powder, split it in 3 for exemple then u put power into ur mouth then drink..
It's an idea, a friend done like that and it worked well...
Okay, yeah I never thought about that. Sweet, I'll split up the pill into 3 doses. Good to hear that bubbles don't really matter.

Tonight's workout was kind of light, trying to really get reps and focus on the negative and squeezing the muscle. I was sweating like crazy.

Overhand Barbell row to waist
135lb x 5 sets of 10-12 with a 2 - 2 - 3 tempo

Overhand barbell row to chest
135 x 3 x 12 same tempo as above

One arm rows
70 x 3 x 12
90 x 2 x 15 rest pause, same tempo as above

Pull ups 4 sets of 8-12 reps, varied grips

Standing OH Press
95 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 8
95 x 12

Upright Rows
95 x 3 x 10

Then some lateral raise work, and that about ended it. I made the mistake of trying out a buddy's home gym and limited equpiment and weights, so I just worked with what I had. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow for some legs, hopefully this sore quad doesn't screw with anything.

Diet today

117g fat
423g carbs
301g protein

1.5 gallons of water so far. going to try to hit 2 before bed.

I'm actually not as bloated as I thought I would be. Day one seems successful, until tomorrow.
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I gotta admit, I feel like shit starting off the day. I got legs in, but it was a pretty piss poor workout to me. My quad is pretty sore to say the least.

Leg Press
225 x 10
315 x 10
405 x 8
495 x 8
585 x 8
675 x 6 + 2
765 x 5 + 2

Front squat
135 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 8
225 x 8

135 x 10
135 x 10
225 x 8
225 x 8
315 x 6, suprised I got this

Leg extensions, leg curls, abs to finish up the day. Hopefully I'll feel better when I get some food in me, all I had this morning was a mass gainer shake. I've heard of the gear flu or whatever where people just starting out feel sick for the first few days?
Weight today 187.4

yesterday I ate, off the top, 131f/437c/270p

Today I'm at 83f/400c/345p, gotta get some more fat and carbs in me, not much more though.

I went ahead and injected tonight so I'll be on a monday/thursday schedule. Got some blood tonight. First jab hurt like unbelievable, I read there are nerves in the quad, so that might've been it. The blood worries me, I hope the damn oil doesn't come out. I massaged the area really well. I'm just a worry wart.

Tonight's workout I did Kris Gethin DTP style. It will look odd

incline bench super set with dumbell rows

50 x 30 and 35 x 30
70 x 20 and 45 x 20
80 x 10 and 60 x 10
90 x 5 and 70 x 5
90 x 5 and 70 x 5

Some of those I hit total failure, had to rest pause. All under 90 seconds rest, somehwere on average around 45-60 seconds

Flat db bench and DB row super set

100 x 5 and 60 x 5
100 x 5 and 60 x 5
90 x 10 and 45 x 10
80 x 20 and 40 x 20
55 x 30 and 35 x 30

Then some flyes and wide grip pull downs, mind muscle focus sets, fun times.

Notes: Already up 3 pounds. Always feel kind of pumped. It's odd. I feel stronger, sweating like I literally stepped out of a bath in the gym. Dbol is amazing. I hope my legs don't leak out all my fucking oil.