First Cycle, Test E, EQ, Somatropin, insulin, and PCT


New member
Made an order for a 12 week cycle using test Enanthate, boldenone, insulin, and HGH(Somatropin 2.5 mg and 4 mg)...PCT Clomid/ nolvadex/ hcg... You know all the goodies. I was wondering what I can expect starting at 200mg of test and EQ for the first 2 weeks, then 400mg 3rd and 4th week, topping at 600 for the 5th and 6th, then tapering back down. The growth will be no more than 4 mg at a time and I think every other day I don't remember I'll have to check my notes. Good idea with the taper with test? Or should I blast the whole way through. I'm 25 and have reached my genetic potential. I'm 175lbs and want to gain 20 lbs at least, let me know if Im wrong anywhere. P.S. I'm a certified strength and conditioning specialist and nutritionist, gear info only please. Thanks to anyone who takes a minute to reply.
Wow, genetic potential maxed before your muscle bellies mature?

Gear information: Save everything but the testosterone for your first cycle. You won't know what is doing what otherwise, which will make fixing any problems a nightmare.

Staggering or titrating doses is a waste as the esters do it for you. Just run the 600mg/wk from start to finish. I didn't see an AI in there, which is just as important, if not more so than the AAS.

My .02c :)
I was so excited to cycle this stack. Just run test... Not what I wanted to hear. lol I have a list of all of my estrogen blockers and AI's I don't want to look for it. My therapies are on point as studied from William Llewellyn's ANABOLICS. I'm just in need of real world info on the drugs I chose. Other than it being my first cycle, how is the stack over all?
Made an order for a 12 week cycle using test Enanthate, boldenone, insulin, and HGH(Somatropin 2.5 mg and 4 mg)...PCT Clomid/ nolvadex/ hcg... You know all the goodies. I was wondering what I can expect starting at 200mg of test and EQ for the first 2 weeks, then 400mg 3rd and 4th week, topping at 600 for the 5th and 6th, then tapering back down. The growth will be no more than 4 mg at a time and I think every other day I don't remember I'll have to check my notes. Good idea with the taper with test? Or should I blast the whole way through. I'm 25 and have reached my genetic potential. I'm 175lbs and want to gain 20 lbs at least, let me know if Im wrong anywhere. P.S. I'm a certified strength and conditioning specialist and nutritionist, gear info only please. Thanks to anyone who takes a minute to reply.

Welcome! Hope we can all be of good help to you here! How much AI would you plan on using? What are you basing your 200mg start up of test on?
Yea that's not a good cycle for anyone let alone a first cycle. Not sure of your list of estrogen management stuff. We normal people use either aromasin or arimidex to manage estrogen. Look up the ology faq's thread. Has everything you need to know before you start your first cycle. This one you got going on here is simply a waste of everything. Stick to just test. If your diet and training are both on point like you claim, then you'll get everything you need off of test provided everything else is in check too...
I don't understand how it could be " a waste of everything ". That statement deserves some explanation. How could a mixture of the most anabolic compounds be a waste? And we're not talking mixing test esters...
I was so excited to cycle this stack. Just run test... Not what I wanted to hear. lol I have a list of all of my estrogen blockers and AI's I don't want to look for it. My therapies are on point as studied from William Llewellyn's ANABOLICS. I'm just in need of real world info on the drugs I chose. Other than it being my first cycle, how is the stack over all?
Unlike almost everything in life, with AAS - more is not always better. Look, I'm not going to sugar coat this; but with zero experience, you're hopping onto multiple compounds, HGH AND insulin.

Do you know what the sides are from all these?

You do realize that insulin is an absolute WASTE if you're not consuming such an excess of carbohydrates that exogenous insulin is needed.

I won't even touch that whole pesky DEATH thing. Yes, insulin can and will kill you if you don't know what you're doing.

Do you have problems eating? That's about the gist of what EQ does for you. That, and crazy red blood cell generation - which MUST be taken care of.

Frankly, this is a cycle that I would expect a guy to run that has a good 6-10 cycles under his belt. Not for your first foray into AAS. Of course, I'm not your Internet daddy, but I am speaking from a standpoint of experience in that you're biting off way more than you can chew.

Arimidex, 1 mg per day

WAY too much adex. I strongly, STRONGLY urge you read the FAQ thread at the top of the AAS forum to build up your knowledge on how a good first cycle can and should be run. You will grow by leaps and bounds on just 600mg of test, I promise you.
awesome, okay thanks! Appreciate the input. I keep getting mixed info on EQ though some swear by it and others say what you say. To be honest I was just going to run EQ because I'm scared of androgenic side affects of test. I understand EQ doesn't aromatize nearly as much.
awesome, okay thanks! Appreciate the input. I keep getting mixed info on EQ though some swear by it and others say what you say. To be honest I was just going to run EQ because I'm scared of androgenic side affects of test. I understand EQ doesn't aromatize nearly as much.

What are you concerned with? Balding? In all honesty, ANY compound can speed up the process of MPB if it's in your genetics.
Most definitely concerned with balding. I am not right now and never want to be. I understand that there's something like fina or finex not sure but it blocks DHT which is an important anabolic hormone so it seems like taking that type of blocker would retard effects of AAS
Yea need need education. You can't run eq or anything without test. Everything shuts you down! Test needs to be the base for every cycle in a male. Look, we get threads like this on a daily basis. Go search through my recent posts. It's like a broken record. Same shit all the time. I understand you want to get geared up but there are grave consequences if done wrong. We're all looking out for your best interests and long term health. If you think your going to be a pro bodybuilder in 12 weeks, your wrong. It simply takes time to develop a physique I'm sure your looking for.

The reason your cycle layout is shitty and shows that you don't know what your doing has been mentioned. Tapering your doses does nothing unless you're using a short ester compound. Still not advised. Test e takes 4-6 weeks to build up in your system. That's if your dosing it at say 500mgs per week. If your talering doses, it wouldn't build up the same. Eq takes 6+ weeks to kick in. Most run it for 14-16+ weeks. You would definitely have to donate blood atleast a couple times in that span. Your blood will thicken on eq. For what it's worth, it's not worth it. Your ai dosage, hgh, insulin, pct, etc.. all needs education. With proper education, you would know to steer clear of most of this stuff. Go read the ology faq's thread. Come back when your done with questions. You simply need to research...
Most definitely concerned with balding. I am not right now and never want to be. I understand that there's something like fina or finex not sure but it blocks DHT which is an important anabolic hormone so it seems like taking that type of blocker would retard effects of AAS

There are side effects to contend with on those products too. If you're going to bald, you're going to bald - it's either a very expensive and drawn out battle, or you accept it and move on.

If hair is a HUGE deal for you, you may want to rethink AAS if you are indeed prone. Looking at your grandfathers will give some insight, but not guaranteed.