First cycle, Test-E only @ 500 mg/wk, start Aug

Hi, all

First off; Please be critical and blunt when replying. I am taking the research&prep part of starting with steroids very seriously, and I greatly appreciate all replies - please keep them on-topic and informative. My knowledge of AAS and its usage is theory-only, so I hope to get some guidance from you vets.

I am starting my first cycle in August, need to cut some BF first (<15%).
Stats: 27 yrs old, 1.80cm (5-11) tall, weight 95kg (210 lbs), BF 20%, done sports all my life & serious weight-lifting last 5 yrs (lifted weights since age 16).
Diet is clean, 3500-4000 kcal/day when on cycle.
Daily supps: Creatine, Glutamine, Beta-Alanine, BCAA, fish oil, Vitamin D, Multivit, ZMA.
On-cycle training: 5x5 heavy compound
Water intake: Around 1.5gal (5-6 liters) daily
Goals are to maximize muscle gains during cycle (Duuh..), to do this in a "safe & sober" manner, and most importantly keep as much of the gains post-cycle as possible. I WILL NOT be consuming whatever I can get my hands on just to gain size. I am a patient guy with a long-term plan.

My first cycle (Test-E @ 500mg, 12 wks)
Wk 1-12: Test-E 500mg EW (Mon+Thurs)
Wk 1-15: Aromasin 12.5mg ED
Wk 1-12: HCG 500iu EW (250iu Mon+Thurs)
Wk 13-14: HCG 500iu ED // stopping use 5 days prior to PCT
Wk 15-18: Nolva 40/40/20/20mg ED + Clomid 50mg ED

I will NOT frontload. I may however do this on my second or third cycle. No hurry.

I will do blood work pre, mid and post cycle; Free testosterone, overall testosterone, estrogen, E2, LH.

If you do not agree with my drug choices and dosages, I encourage you to question them and preferably educate me (and the rest of the readers) on why you do not agree.

Thank you!
I like the cycle bro. Focus on getting your bf% down before you start your cycle. You have until August. Restrict calories and continue training hard with lots of cardio.

Too high of a bf% can cause problems with estrogen when using test.

Good luck bro.

You did a real good job laying out your cycle. Also I like you gave us your stats. Well done for a beginner you've obviously educated yourself. You seem to be mature.

Glad you mentioned your BF% or I would have been all over you, Ha.. I hope you can get it down to at least 15%. Do you have a plan to work specifically on BF%? It will take a plan. Good luck :)
yes looks like u did your research , good . Looks like a great first cycle , basic , but great for gains on a first run . U wanna eat very high protein to take advantage of the high protein synthesis on cycle . Go for 1.5 g per lb protein if u can make it . so ull be eating around 300g per day . Gains should be nice . good luck
Yes, as I stated in my initial post I will get my BF down to <15%. I am sticking to 2300-2500 kcal/day (hi-protein), 1hr morning walks x6/wk, HIIT cardio x3/wk and circuit training 2x/wk. Been doing this routine for a month already, well on my way. :-)
Great job doing your homework and taking the time to clearly lay out your cycle. Here are a few thoughts:

For blood work, also get FSH, metablic panel and CBC checked. Note that exogenous test will increase hematocrit so you need to lower it by donating blood on cycle. Hematocrit is included in the CBC.

More on blood work: Don't check estrogen. Specifically, you need to check Estradiol which is a type of estrogen.

Just a thought: given your higher BF% you may want to start your aromasin at 25mg daily. This is a tough call. Until you run your cycle you will not know how much you aromatize. It is a guessing game until you can get some blood work.

I think it is a good idea to take 1000mg of NAC every day while on cycle to help protect your liver.

Just in case, it would be a good idea to have Raloxifene on hand in case you start getting gyno.

Good luck with your cycle and let us know how it goes!
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