First cycle.. Test E only


New member
Like others on here I'm new to Testosterone Injections. Thought about it for years, Bought it several times, then got cold feet and gave it away.

But anyway, here is my plan. Test Enanthate 250

12 week cycle, pinning 250 every 4 days

I'm going to take my normal vit's and throw in 1200mg of saw palmetto for prostate support. I don't have AI's.

P.S. Took my first pin 8/14/15
Okay you need AIS and pct so you're doing this all wrong right off the bat. Stats? Years of experience? Hope you don't run into issues. I'm not a fan of people blabbing on here about blood work- cause it's not easy as some places- I'm in Canada and blood work here is difficult to get- BUT I truly think that befor someone's first cycle it's so important to know total test, free test, estradiol etc
You are missing a lot of stuff. There is a whole lot more to using AAS than pinnig some Test. Read the link to the FAQ's below in my signature line. You need to learn about hCG, estradiol, AI's, PCT, blood work, etc.