First Cycle: Test Enanthate - 12 Weeks

I plan on doing the same cycle. I'm am 21 and this will be my first cycle
I just don't have any sources yet and I currently live in Alberta
I plan on doing the same cycle. I'm am 21 and this will be my first cycle
I just don't have any sources yet and I currently live in Alberta

Hang around and make some friends and youll find one. Plus id wait about 4 more years if i were you
Week 4, Day 5: Well boys, I think it's finally hit. I've felt great for the past two weeks, but now it's even better. I've got more energy, I feel better overall, and my lifts went up easily tonight. On my last two sets the first 4 reps were like benching the bar. I feel like I'm getting stronger. I'm still around 175-180, but I know I'm getting stronger, so only time will tell. A little acne on my right eyebrow, but I realized today I wipe sweat off my dome with my right forearm over my eye. So I just need to stop touching my face, and wash it twice a day. My skin's oily, but not bad. I'm just getting started; I can't wait to post results.

Only gets better. Keep lifting heavy and eating a ton bro. good luck
This thread is awesome. I had been researching a first cycle, and I think I went a little over board on mine. Sounds like your cycle is effective and keeps it simple. I think I'll copy.
i am on the same cycle except i am running 20mg of nolva eod in cycle my question has been what would be a good post cycle therapy (pct)?

Yeah you should def start your own thread but are you telling me that you started a cycle without having your post cycle therapy (pct) planned out or on hand?
Great start....I on the other hand could not get the answers i needed at first I went with a prop/enth/cyp blend for 12 weeks put on about 15-20 solid pounds but wanted to stay under the radar so to speak...did not have a good source for a post cycle therapy (pct) or Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for that matter. Now I am in limbo! My bro just got back to the states so it may be awhile to get back on track with supplements! Anyone have a good idea in sourcing clomid ect. let me know...wish I had a little more advice in the beginning but love the results!
Day 3: Nothing different. My ass still feels like I got gang raped. Hot baths, and heat pads are a life saver for PIP. I'm not going to post anything until I see some slightly dramatic changes. No sense in burning bandwidth.

lol i ran the same cycle and the pip was a mother felt like i was shooting tequila in my ass, i was told to warm it up before i pinned and it helped but mine was bulken and some say that was why it was so bad!
I am also on the same cycle. Week 4, and even though I am MUCH stronger, I have yet to see any size difference (only gained 2 pounds, even though I have lost 1.5 inches from my mid-section).

Any advice or motivation as I move into week 5?
Great thread man. Glad to see you do the research needed and not just flat out ask everyone to tell you "what would be a good first cycle". Keep up the good work bro.
I plan on doing the same cycle. I'm am 21 and this will be my first cycle
I just don't have any sources yet and I currently live in Alberta

I'm in the same situation as you, I can find hook ups for almost anything except the gear in Alberta.

I'm 27 years old trying to work on my consistency at the gym and get back into a routine once again. In the meantime i'm also taking the time to absorb as much knowledge as possible from these forums to prepare myself for a solid beginner cycle.
Bro, on test e you wont feel anything till week 4-6. Should have used a kicker such as Test Prop or D-bol if you wanted sooner results. Good luck.
While I have a little free time I figured I'd throw out the final review. I did my last ml on Friday, sadly. I have to say I've fallen in love with the stick of the needles more so than the gear itself. I love the soreness of PIP. I love the pumps... THE PUMPS!!!!! Pumps so good I feel like if I flex hard enough my skin will burst open. I had not a single negative experience in my 12 weeks. On days that I injected I knew I would be extremely hot at night, so I just turned the AC up on Mon/Thurs, and put a fan on while I slept. The boys atrophied a bit, but I expected that. Overall the best thing about it was learning about my body, and how it responds to certain lifts. As opposed to trying a routine for a month or two, and seeing results it was like I could tell what lifts were benefitting me the most within a couple weeks. My diet was pretty clean, so I gained 20lbs, we'll see how much of that stays with me over the next month. By far though, the best part about this cycle has been seeing family and friends, especially girls, I haven't seen in a while. I'm a small framed guy, like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Now I make the American History X version of Edward Norton look like a bitch. If I could give anyone advice it would be to buy all your pct, pins and rigs, and stane from RUI, BEFORE you even worry about gear. Then, hook up with JB, and get your gear from Pinnacle. Hella nice dude to work with. I want to thank all the men and women on here that have done this before me, because threads like this make it easy. I hope this was informative, and helps some of you fuckin' 3 post source checkin noobs...