First cycle (test only) (caloric surplus question also)


New member
Hi I'm a new member here and am looking to run my first cycle, the general recommendation is my first cycle should consists of test only so that's what I plan on doing. I wanna run 12 weeks and front load with 1000 mg the first 3 pins and 250 mg every pin after that at 500/wk. I'm going to have nolva and clomid on hand. Since I don't know what to expect especially with front loading I'm gonna have arimadex on hand also. Going to be getting bloods and be documenting with pics. So you've read this far lol I have a question, what kind of surplus should I be running in terms of diet? 1lb/week? I wanna stay relatively lean, I recently got dexa scanned at 12% and project to hit 10% or under in the next two weeks. I know it's a lot but any info on surplus would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!!!
can you share your stats please, age, weight, height, bf%. are you planning on doing blood works before your first cycle?
25, 135lbs (I know it seems like a lil but I just got dexa scanned at 10% and all my lifts are at least double my body weight except bench) 5'6 I definitely am looking to get blood work done pre, during and post