first cycle testosterone S induject 250 + Trenbolone Parabolan 76mg


New member
About to do my first cycle of S induject 250 + Trenbolone Parabolan 76mg... never cycled before, been working out for about 10 years.. finally made my decision.
would appreciate if anyone could advice me on this cycle... good or bad for first cycle... dosages... cycle period... diet.. etc
cycle period: 5 weeks
testosterone S 250mg 1 ml/week
Trenbolone 1 ml- 76mg/week

weight - 71 kg
height - 5'9
body fat - 14%
lifting - 5 days a week

thanks guys
For a first cycle this is no good. It should be test only with an ai and proper pct in place. It looks like you have A LOT more research to do. Check out the stickies. Read them.. then Re read them.
nope nope nope....bad cycle. where's your AI? where's your pct? how old are you? First cycles should be test only but only once you know what you're doing. Tren is for very experienced users, it's extremely harsh on side effects.

you have a lot of reading to do my friend. put off your cycle untill you educate yourself some more. Start by reading the stickies here
weight - 71 kg
height - 5'9
body fat - 14%
lifting - 5 days a week

thanks guys

at 5'9, 71 kgs (156lbs) and 15% bodyfat it sounds as if you don't have any muscle on you at all and have never lifted before.
How many years (if any) have you been going to the gym? I'd stay away from steroids and go straight to the diet section.
Chances are you aren't eating correctly!