First Cycle tips and advice please


New member
Hey guys

- 24 years old
- 155 pounds
- 11% body fat I believe haven't checked in awhile
- 5'8
- Working out for almost 6 years

Bench: 205lb 6-8 with spot near 5-6 reps
Dumbell press: 90s 6-8
Squat: 185lb 8-10
Shoulder press: 75lb 6-8

Bench: 225 12-14
Dumbells: 100lb 12-14
Squat: 225 8-10
Shoulders: 85lb 10-12


Test Enthanate Week 1 - 10 500mg a week ( 2 250mg shots Monday and Thursday )
Winstrol(oral) Week 4-10 50mg daily

PCT: Do have clomid and Nolvdex on hand

I just really want to get shredded not looking to get "huge" want a have a really hard lean body of course with the right diet

Planning on using 25 g 1 in syringe for delts and 23g 1.5 in for glutes rotate every poke

Want to stick with 500mg dosage to start since it is my first cycle

If aanyone has done this cycle what results have you got from it?
Forget the Winstrol. You don't know what you are doing yet. Winstrol is a finishing compound and has ne business being in a first cycle. You need to read up more on what you are about to embark on doing.

You need to layout your entire proposed cycle with PCT. What about your using an AI. Your cycle is not even long enough to plug in Winstrol. Back to the drawing board bud.
Your squat shouldn't be a few reps higher then your bench. For six years training, your legs are very weak.

Edit- your squat is lower than your bench! Look, you need to focus on all compound lifts not just your favorites. Your whole body works together. You won't get much stronger if you don't start hitting legs. That's actually pathetic. I would hold off on the cycle till you stop training legs like a lil bitch. Put some weight on there and hit those fuckers...
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This. Take the next year and train hard with a perfect diet. If your not happy with your body after that then maybe hop on. Winny is generally used during contest prep/cut, no need for that on your first cycle.

You can get to 225 squats for reps within a month (from where you are) if you train HARD. If you didn't throw up, come close to throwing up, come close to passing out, or can walk perfectly straight after a leg did it wrong.
Hey guys

- 24 years old
- 155 pounds :wtf:
- 11% body fat I believe haven't checked in awhile
- 5'8
- Working out for almost 6 years

Your stats indicate you are eating nowhere near what you should be eating, I'm no nutritionist, but at 155 pounds you should be packing on LBM at a surplus of 500 cals/day. Working out for almost 6 years and weigh 155 pounds?

I'm 24 and started lifting weights only 5 months ago without ever using AAS, prior to that I kept talking bullshit to myself saying "I'm an ecto I can't put weight on" from age 16-24. I started training and eating (to the best of my knowledge) above 3000 calories per day and gained 19lbs within the first 7-8 weeks, fat or muscle, irrelevant. I started at a weight a male bird pigeon weighs, any weight was good weight and looked ripped, still do.

But that was just eating as much as I could until I felt sick, I'm following one of 3J's diet starting next week which will help me with a list of different foods to incorporate into my eating plan and encouragement, or you can just buy a few glass vials, shoot them up for 8-12 weeks, look and feel amazing, get compliments, and then after your pct when you've lost majority of your gains, you'll hold on to some muscle... for a short time anyway until your body realises it's not receiving adequate calories/foods to support the extra muscle and by the time you know it, you're back at 155 pounds, feeling and looking like shit and even more compliments! "hey, you've lost weight" and then rip mental health > feeling of hopelessness.

Personally, I'd only ever consider jumping on at a MINIMUM of 180lbs, preferably 185.

God bless.