Age: 32
Height 6'2
Wirght 230
Bodyfat unsure I added a pic prob 15%
Lifting Experience 17 years
Diet pretty spot on as well as cardio
Ive never done any anabolics, but ive come to the point where I have completely plateuad and would like to see what a lil chemical help can bring. I know most will say nay regarding the Tren do to the side effects but im getting a hell of a deal on the particular stack i above mentioned. Due to my proffesion I need to be agile so im basically looking to add some lean muscle and cut up. Ive researched many websites to include this one but never really had the balls to post or actually do a cycle. But the time has come, so please any feed back whatsoever to include the Gen Shi lab also will be greatly appreciated.
Gen Shi cut stack-- Test P 50mg/ml, tren Ace 50mg/ml, Masteron 50mg/ml blend
basically 50mg's of each e0d.
During cycle Arimidex .25ml ed
PCT iNolvid 25mg ed, Clomid 50mg ed, and hcg
Height 6'2
Wirght 230
Bodyfat unsure I added a pic prob 15%
Lifting Experience 17 years
Diet pretty spot on as well as cardio
Ive never done any anabolics, but ive come to the point where I have completely plateuad and would like to see what a lil chemical help can bring. I know most will say nay regarding the Tren do to the side effects but im getting a hell of a deal on the particular stack i above mentioned. Due to my proffesion I need to be agile so im basically looking to add some lean muscle and cut up. Ive researched many websites to include this one but never really had the balls to post or actually do a cycle. But the time has come, so please any feed back whatsoever to include the Gen Shi lab also will be greatly appreciated.
Gen Shi cut stack-- Test P 50mg/ml, tren Ace 50mg/ml, Masteron 50mg/ml blend
basically 50mg's of each e0d.
During cycle Arimidex .25ml ed
PCT iNolvid 25mg ed, Clomid 50mg ed, and hcg