Help with my Painful Cycle


New member
Hello, I'm 18 about 5'10. I have been experiencing the absolute worst pain. Me and my friend injected 500mg @ 1.65 mL of testosterone enanthate. I been receiving more side effects immediately. The first day was fine, but as soon as i woke up my right cheek was killing me. No red spots, but it was and still is warm. I lifted heavy and did full body first day. My joints are killing me, never like before. I been lifting for 2 solid years and never felt such joint pain. I can't fully extend my arm. I'm also taking clomid every other day 50mg and arimidex 1mg a week. I don't know if it's injected or if it's normal or if there are any remedies to help reduce the pain. Please help a newbie out. I took the first shot and pills on monday @ 8pm.
At 18 you should really just stop. Only one shot in would be no issue to recover from naturally.

Any chance you already took that 1mg adex? Only thing I could think of is you somehow crashed estrogen??? But that wouldn't happen that fast.

Maybe the heat and soreness means your supplies are junk, and you are feeling pain in the joints like when you get the flu and have nasty waste ******** in your system.

Anyway, you should really just bail. It's a majorly bad idea to do this at your age.
drop it like its hot brotherman. one pin wont damage you if you stop now.
retreat and regroup and wait till your 26 to get into gear, along with your friend.
Yeah, i was getting over the flu/cold before i took it. I never received joint pain till now. No lumps or red spots, just warm. I did take the 1mg. I been working out for 2 years straight and i reached my peak probably 8 months ago. Since then i continued a even stricter diet and a stricter workout plan but I have made any progress. Why is age a factor for taking roids?
Is age really a factor? I reached my peak almost 8 months ago and haven't got much gains since. Been on a even stricter meal plan and workout plan
You should really be happy you experienced the sides so quickly.
Just looking at what you wrote, you would have been in for a lot worse had you continued.....

You have not reached your peak at 18, no, not even close. Many years left to squeeze out more virgin muscle for sure.

Take it as a blessing in disguise and get off the gear now.... :)
Is age really a factor? I reached my peak almost 8 months ago and haven't got much gains since. Been on a even stricter meal plan and workout plan

this is a topic that is never up for discussion like were trading cookie recipes. this is real shit kid. age is defitnetly a factor. an 18 year old should never touch gear u til age 26 when your done growing. PERIOD.
its total bullshit that you reached your peak 8 months ago. you dont know shit about what your getting into.

get your head out of your ass and do not do gear unitl your old enough.

see you in our trt section since your going to do it anyway with all kinds of horrible issues to deal with for the rest of your life when your married to a needle.
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Calm down calm down. I appreciate your concern. I'm no dumbass. I can take a hint. Should i take my clomid for the rest of the week before i get off ?
This is a well covered topic, so research to find out why it's a bad idea. In a nutshell your body is not done growing yet, your brain, your endocrine system, and things linked to those (which is just about everything). If you fuck them up now you will regret it bigtime when you are older, and if you continue on you will fuck them up.
So many mistakes; 18 is WAY too young; you're not even close to hitting your natural potential, you have not peaked yet. You pinned 500mg in 1 shot?! Jesus bro. And your estrogen is probably crashed. Take the next 8 years and do a ton of research, train and diet your ass off. Don't make the mistake that so many peeps do and fuck yourself up for life just because of impatience and ego.
Calm down calm down. I appreciate your concern. I'm no dumbass. I can take a hint. Should i take my clomid for the rest of the week before i get off ?

To answer your question, best course of action would be to do absolutely nothing. Don't take any more drugs. No need for clomid or anything else, you'll recover just fine.

If you want to help out a bit take vitamin D, zinc, and fish oil.
To answer your question, best course of action would be to do absolutely nothing. Don't take any more drugs. No need for clomid or anything else, you'll recover just fine.

If you want to help out a bit take vitamin D, zinc, and fish oil.

This is the best advice so far; you're 18 OP. You'll recover lickity split.
Besides being too young, what went wrong here? Clomid during cycle is unusual? And should adex be split up in 0.5 mg doses twice a week?
Why is my injection site pain still hurting. It's been 72 hours+ What's the procedure for getting checked legally? I'm assuming I can't walk up to a doctor and tell him i injected. Then walk away clean.
Do nothing. No more drugs. Too young as stated above. The risks are HUGE. No recovery drugs no nothing.....not for one shot. If your shot even contained testosterone at all, it still would not be giving you any symptoms. Bad gear, shitty injection procedure, or both. Most likely explanation is you crashed your estro with the adex. Not only are you too young but you're way outta your league here. Two years of training and you've been at your max for 8months?!?!? Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahah
You are nowhere near maxed out bro. Lift and eat. We all did it at your age and our results were bad ass with no drugs at all. Use your youth to your advantage. What are your stats? 18 and 5' 10" how much do you weigh? What's your bfp?
Now.....for the infection? How long has it been hot and sore?
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Why is my injection site pain still hurting. It's been 72 hours+ What's the procedure for getting checked legally? I'm assuming I can't walk up to a doctor and tell him i injected. Then walk away clean.

Depending on country, thats exactly what you would do and walk away clean.
With that said, unless its noticeably swollen, red and super warm to the touch, I would not worry for at least 10-15 days.
The oil wont be fully cleared in your muscle for about a month. (give or take a few days, math is not my strong suit...)

Personally, it usually hurts for about 3-4 days which is roughly the half life of prop, so going by that logic, 10 days seems about right for you since you used enanthate.
Besides being too young, what went wrong here? Clomid during cycle is unusual? And should adex be split up in 0.5 mg doses twice a week?

Edit. Just realized I answered two different people but my point still stands :P

You are too young so nobody will spoon feed you any form of knowledge im afraid.

What you should do is nothing for about 6 weeks, then go leave bloodwork and makes sure you didnt cause permanent damage.
Then focus on your diet and workout regimen and see what improvements still have left to do.
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You are nowhere near maxed out bro. Lift and eat. We all did it at your age and our results were bad ass with no drugs at all. Use your youth to your advantage.

Even being on my 2nd cycle... I have never been so ripped and jacked as I was between 16-22.... I miss those days... :(
Everything was so much easier. Literally all I had todo was go the gym, rest came naturally, the magic age where you can eat pizza and still grow... I feel old and fat lol :(
Besides being too young

There is no besides; that's it. Too young, not enough lifting experience, not enough research done. And he's paying for it obviously. Follow the advice of NO MORE DRUGS, period.