First cycle.. What do you think?


New member
26 yo
5 ft. 11 in.
180 lbs.
I lift five days a week and I'm lean. When I started lifting five years ago I weighed 150 lbs.. I have always had a clean diet. Not a big fan of junk food. Looking to start a very basic cycle. My goal would be to stay lean and athletic while gaining some mass and strength. I have test e 300 on hand as well as nolvadex. I only purchased one vial of test for a six week cycle. I know by many people's standard that is too short but I would like to see how my body reacts on this first run and take it from there.

Week 1-6 Test 250 2x/week

Week 9-12 nolva 40/40/20/20

What do you think? Thanks for any advice.
This looks like a terrible cycle to me. You have done zero homework. It is missing so many key elements of a cycle.

Read the FAQs thread linked below in my signature.
Thanks for your honesty.Because of the length of the cycle? Lack of an ai? Hcg? No clomid? Or all of the above? I have heard arguments about less being better. i can get my hands on clomid but I would need to resort to internet sources for anything else.
No spoon feeding here. Read the link mega provided. Then come back and post your cycle for critique.

Educate before you medicate
I agree with what was said above. This is not a cycle you want to do.
You asked which reasons. I would say all you stated and more.
Trust the guys on the forum (especially the ones with good reputation and post count), they know what they are talking about.
I have to agree with these guys. I'm glad to see you waited until now to start aas but this cycle isn't going to give you anything but trouble. All of the cons with none of the pros. There is a wealth of information out there.
Yup, stall this cycle until you've educated yourself OP.... read ALL the beginner's stickies on the 'general forums' home page - you'll then see why the cycle you have posted is a no-go.

Welcome to 'Ology brother, stick around and learn :)
Thanks for the advice. I'll def. do some more homework and take it from there. The stickys have been very informative so far. I'm starting to realize I have some very reckless and stupid friends. Lol. Thanks guys
If you are going to commit to run gear dont half ass it .run it the right way and the safe way .. that cycle is not even in the ball park get it close and these guys will help fine tune it for ya