first cycle winstrol and test e maybe


New member
Sup guys , ive decided i want to start a cycle ( first one ) . I want to cut up and get the shredded look. Im thinking about taking winstrol 50mg for 6 weeks. Should i take a test with this ? Im about to turn 21 years old and i plan on doing a pct of clomid
Ill be eating very clean and training hard

I'm also looking to take winstrol and test.
I am going to take test enanthate 350 for about 12 weeks and then the last few weeks do winstrol just to harded and shred abit.

If you read these forums you will see loads of info on what you have asked.
I am no expert as I am a beginner as well, but most seem to say its pointless just taking winstrol as you will have to run a pct anyway. Running a test with it will help with your gains and would be worthwhile than just an oral.
im sure you know how the oral will effect your liver etc...

Also I bought a test brand called ***** has anyone heard of this brand or used it?
Would love to hear if its worthwhile

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Sup guys , ive decided i want to start a cycle ( first one ) . I want to cut up and get the shredded look. Im thinking about taking winstrol 50mg for 6 weeks. Should i take a test with this ? Im about to turn 21 years old and i plan on doing a pct of clomid
Ill be eating very clean and training hard

horrible cycle. no Ai,hCg and your pct consists only of clomid? plus you are way too young. wait till you are 25.
Btw, test should be a must in EVERY cycle.

Also I bought a test brand called ****, has anyone heard of this brand or used it?
Would love to hear if its worthwhile


Hi, Please do not highjack someone elses thread, start your own, thanks.
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Personally at that age you shouldn't even be considering doing a cycle however if you are determined to do so then starting off with a testerone base alone would be a great start. Anywhere from 250mg-500mg a week. Stanazolol is a compound that should be considered possibly later meaning once you've experimented with a few cycles and not to mention it is a little more harsh on the body i.e joints, hairline etc. When it comes to the shredded look that my friend falls down strictly to your diet. You could take all the compounds under the sun however you are what you eat. As for your PCT a 3 week clomid and 4 week nolvadex is usually a good base. That should start 14-21 days after your last shot of test. I hope this information gives you some idea however if any of my advice matters please don't do any of it as you are still to young and could achieve your goals naturally. All the best either way