First Cycle with Skin Psoriasis


New member

I am suffering from skin psoriasis from many years. I am not a skin steroid acitretin 25mg. I want to build and represent people who suffer from skin diseases and shy away to show thier skin or body. I will be taking part in local shows.

So i have decided to start my first cycle with Dbol only. Don't bash me for oral only cycle and scared of needles, There is a reason for it. Dbol has a short half life and if any thing went wrong i can back out for it.

Will start from 20mg dbol first and then 30 mg. Total cycle for 4 weeks followed by PCT

I will be on my skin steroid too.
Any suggestion for during and after cycle?
Any1 with similar experience with other or any stories to share.

PS: English is not my first language
Welcome! What are your stats, age, weight, BF% etc.? and your scared of needles?
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You've got a lot of research to do before you take steroids. If you want to represent people with skin conditions well, then don't make rookie mistakes. We don't bash people for being scared of needles, but needles are required if you decide to go down this path. If you can't handle injections then stay natural or take SARMS.

Welcome to the board.

Can Males Run Oral-Only Cycles?

The answer is simple. No. Men cannot run oral only cycles. Injectable testosterone must be included in every cycle. The reason is due to the fact that oral steroids shut down a man's natural testosterone production - yes, even your precious Anavar. Men's bodies need testosterone to function properly. If you don't believe me, ask any hypogonadal (Low T) man how he feels without sufficient testosterone coursing through his veins. If you are going to run a cycle and shut down your natural endogenous testosterone production by using an exogenous steroid (oral or injectable), it must be run with injectable testosterone. You cannot use an oral form of testosterone as it is very bad for your liver. And gels/creams will not sustain high enough or consistent enough testosterone levels. If you are too afraid to inject yourself, you should not use steroids.
You've got a lot of research to do before you take steroids. If you want to represent people with skin conditions well, then don't make rookie mistakes. We don't bash people for being scared of needles, but needles are required if you decide to go down this path. If you can't handle injections then stay natural or take SARMS.

Welcome to the board.

Can Males Run Oral-Only Cycles?

The answer is simple. No. Men cannot run oral only cycles. Injectable testosterone must be included in every cycle. The reason is due to the fact that oral steroids shut down a man's natural testosterone production - yes, even your precious Anavar. Men's bodies need testosterone to function properly. If you don't believe me, ask any hypogonadal (Low T) man how he feels without sufficient testosterone coursing through his veins. If you are going to run a cycle and shut down your natural endogenous testosterone production by using an exogenous steroid (oral or injectable), it must be run with injectable testosterone. You cannot use an oral form of testosterone as it is very bad for your liver. And gels/creams will not sustain high enough or consistent enough testosterone levels. If you are too afraid to inject yourself, you should not use steroids.

Welcome to the board :wavey: Listen to this ^^^^. Really do more research , shutting yourself down and NO exogenous test WTF this is a very bad idea and you will feel like shit. AND orals why do you think you can/ should do this when it's just fvcking bad for you?

Why do all these newbies think they are different the rest of the AAS vet users and what we tell them. Don't bash you?? why not ? you are planning too do something YOU ALREADY know is not good and you want me to pat yiou on the back and say , well it's cool man. Crap on that. Your idea is stupid.

Simple Simon says WTF are you thinking, your the bionic man?
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You said in your first post to us..."don't bash me for wanting to run dbol only" .....
By you writing that , it means you know it's not a good idea.
Sounds like you already did research and you know what happens if you run dbol only....

Yet you are going to ignore this and do it anyway?? That's a very odd way of thinking.
You've got a lot of research to do before you take steroids. If you want to represent people with skin conditions well, then don't make rookie mistakes. We don't bash people for being scared of needles, but needles are required if you decide to go down this path. If you can't handle injections then stay natural or take SARMS.

Welcome to the board.

Can Males Run Oral-Only Cycles?

The answer is simple. No. Men cannot run oral only cycles. Injectable testosterone must be included in every cycle. The reason is due to the fact that oral steroids shut down a man's natural testosterone production - yes, even your precious Anavar. Men's bodies need testosterone to function properly. If you don't believe me, ask any hypogonadal (Low T) man how he feels without sufficient testosterone coursing through his veins. If you are going to run a cycle and shut down your natural endogenous testosterone production by using an exogenous steroid (oral or injectable), it must be run with injectable testosterone. You cannot use an oral form of testosterone as it is very bad for your liver. And gels/creams will not sustain high enough or consistent enough testosterone levels. If you are too afraid to inject yourself, you should not use steroids.

Beautiful, thanks sir!
This is because oral/Bdol have short half life and if something went wrong with my Skin Psoriasis problem. I can counter it quickly.
But with Test- P, I will have to wait for 10 days to counter it.

I am still open to other suggestion. But something with short half life.
Welcome! What are your stats, age, weight, BF% etc.? and your scared of needles?

age 27
weight 69kg
BF% 15

No i am not sacred of Needles. There is a reason for it. Dbol has a short half life and if any thing went wrong with my Skin Psoriasis, I can counter it quickly. With test-P i have to wait for 10 days
age 27
weight 69kg
BF% 15

No i am not sacred of Needles. There is a reason for it. Dbol has a short half life and if any thing went wrong with my Skin Psoriasis, I can counter it quickly. With test-P i have to wait for 10 days

Don't run d Bol only my god test prop would be your best bet but you don't want to run that I would try trestalone as a base it's being used in studies at the moment for male birth control and is 1 of the only other steroids that can be used as a substitute for a test base it's also an act so you will have to inject it ed but if something goes wrong it will be gone by the next day so if your not scared of injecting ed this May be the go but it is potent stuff and also a 19 nor so you will need caber on hand and it aromatises to e7 so adex is a must have and if your prone to gyno watch out 60 mg daily is a good starting point
You can get this in oral for but if I were you I wouldn't take d Bol and oral trest at the same time or your liver may explode lol good luck and be careful again it's strong stuff