first cycle


New member
i started my first cycle 2 weeks ago
1-5 week 400 mg phendex
5-10 week 400 mg dexador
1-10 week 500 mg test enant
1-5 danabol 40 mg everyday
arimidex once in 3 days
i am from turkey and here there is no pregnyl in 100 iu form only 1500 iu and 5000 iu how should i do the pct
should i use test up to 12 weeks?
Another epic first cycle post... Run test only.. read stickys.. learn about what your doing.. don't want to come off as a dick but a search on all of this would've gotten your answers faster.. after u read thru the stickys if u still got questions, come back and we will fix u up..
I ve alreadysearched a lot there is nothing wrong with my cycle i wanna gain mass in a short time se only test isnt enough for me i just wanna take advices about post cycle therapy (pct) i thi.k of injecri.g 1500 iu pregnyyl 2 weeks after my last injection 5 days later another 1500 iuand starting nolvadex + clomen i am just worried about my testo level
I ve alreadysearched a lot there is nothing wrong with my cycle i wanna gain mass in a short time se only test isnt enough for me i just wanna take advices about post cycle therapy (pct) i thi.k of injecri.g 1500 iu pregnyyl 2 weeks after my last injection 5 days later another 1500 iuand starting nolvadex + clomen i am just worried about my testo level

If you`ve never done a cycle before how would you know that
test by itself is not enough?
Bexause i know a lot of people on cycles so i know what i will gain from tsto and deca and i ve already bougbt my steroids and started ny so i cant change it but if you have a logical reason for bot using deca in first cycle please explain if there is a health issue or if you say my body wont respond to deca( which i heard but dont believe) so any reasons with explanations i am open to it
This is the program a website was advertising that they said is perfect for raising T. I am 34, 5' 9" and 275. I have no desire to be a body builder or a muscle head. I just wanna tone what I have and not have gyno or infertility. Does this program look good?

10 Week Testosterone Program Protocol
.Testosterone Cypionate (1) 200mg/ml vial (10 ml vial)
Protocol: One injection of 200mg / 1ml weekly IM (Intramuscular)
.Anastrazole (20) 0.05MG capsules
Protocol: Take 1 capsule By Mouth Twice Weekly Day 1 and Day 2 After Testosterone injection
.HCG (1) 11,000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 500 units (25 U on Insulin Syringe) Twice Weekly Sub Q
.MIC Complex 0.5 cc - (1) 30 ml vial
Protocol: One Injection of 0.5 ml Twice Weekly Sub Q

Post Treatment Starts 2 weeks after your last testosterone injection

.HCG (1) 11,000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 1,000 units(50 U on Insulin Syringe) Sub Q Daily for 10 days
.Clomiphene Citrate (30) 51mg capsules
Protocol: One capsule by mouth Twice Daily for 15 days
Bexause i know a lot of people on cycles so i know what i will gain from tsto and deca and i ve already bougbt my steroids and started ny so i cant change it but if you have a logical reason for bot using deca in first cycle please explain if there is a health issue or if you say my body wont respond to deca( which i heard but dont believe) so any reasons with explanations i am open to it
Don`t take this the wrong way but when you run a bath do you dip your
toes in first to test the temp or do you just dive straight in and say
what the fuck if it burns it burns?
Cos that`s what your doing here.
Start off slow to see how your body reacts
Okey you are right about it but i ve already bought my steroids and i dont think of doing another cycle at least for 2 years in this time decas last usage time expires so i must use them and probably i wont have a health issue so if you know please inform me about pct
This is the program a website was advertising that they said is perfect for raising T. I am 34, 5' 9" and 275. I have no desire to be a body builder or a muscle head. I just wanna tone what I have and not have gyno or infertility. Does this program look good?

10 Week Testosterone Program Protocol
.Testosterone Cypionate (1) 200mg/ml vial (10 ml vial)
Protocol: One injection of 200mg / 1ml weekly IM (Intramuscular)
.Anastrazole (20) 0.05MG capsules
Protocol: Take 1 capsule By Mouth Twice Weekly Day 1 and Day 2 After Testosterone injection
.HCG (1) 11,000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 500 units (25 U on Insulin Syringe) Twice Weekly Sub Q
.MIC Complex 0.5 cc - (1) 30 ml vial
Protocol: One Injection of 0.5 ml Twice Weekly Sub Q

Post Treatment Starts 2 weeks after your last testosterone injection

.HCG (1) 11,000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 1,000 units(50 U on Insulin Syringe) Sub Q Daily for 10 days
.Clomiphene Citrate (30) 51mg capsules
Protocol: One capsule by mouth Twice Daily for 15 days
Would I be correct in sumizing that you don`t lift?
This is the program a website was advertising that they said is perfect for raising T. I am 34, 5' 9" and 275. I have no desire to be a body builder or a muscle head. I just wanna tone what I have and not have gyno or infertility. Does this program look good?

10 Week Testosterone Program Protocol
.Testosterone Cypionate (1) 200mg/ml vial (10 ml vial)
Protocol: One injection of 200mg / 1ml weekly IM (Intramuscular)
.Anastrazole (20) 0.05MG capsules
Protocol: Take 1 capsule By Mouth Twice Weekly Day 1 and Day 2 After Testosterone injection
.HCG (1) 11,000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 500 units (25 U on Insulin Syringe) Twice Weekly Sub Q
.MIC Complex 0.5 cc - (1) 30 ml vial
Protocol: One Injection of 0.5 ml Twice Weekly Sub Q

Post Treatment Starts 2 weeks after your last testosterone injection

.HCG (1) 11,000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 1,000 units(50 U on Insulin Syringe) Sub Q Daily for 10 days
.Clomiphene Citrate (30) 51mg capsules
Protocol: One capsule by mouth Twice Daily for 15 days
I dont thinj this will rise your t because you will be using synthetic testestero.e to which your body will react by decreasing uts own production