First ever cycle....helladrol, looking for tips/advice :)


New member
Alright so finally decided to do a PH cycle. Feel pretty good about it and have been doing some research the last year but never really had the time and schedule to do the actual cycle. But now I do.

Wanted to get the Helladrol starter stack from MrSupps but then I would have to order it from the US to Eu and I heard that customs are quite strict in it so decided to order from UK. (any sites for the complete starter stack from UK are welcome or expierences with ordering from US)

So...6 week cycle.

Helladrol Week 1-6
N2Guard Week 1-6
5 caps per day
Taurine Week 1-6
5g per day


HCGenerate Week 6-8
Not sure on dosages> help
Torem as a SERM. Week 6-8
Creatine Week 6-10
FormaStanzol Week 6-10 (is this really needed???)
5 pumps 2x per day
Daa Powder Week 6-10
4g per day

How does this look? Should I add anything else for a good safe first cycle?

Id run the helladrol at higher dosage if I were you my friend, 50 is a bit of waste and id start at 75.
Also you don't need to plan out the dosage in steps and taper etc, id just start at 75 and then increase it accordingly until you find the sweet spot for yourself.
No need to run 75 for weeks and weeks, as you'll prob start at 75 and then quickly find dosages of 100,125 or more much more appealing and effective for you.

You could add Transaderm from ruthless supps to your cycle bro, itl increase your gains and remove sides such as lethargy etc. Its a good addition to any serious PH stack. Just run it from weeks 1-6 on cycle

If you don't go for this ^ id run your hcgenerate on cycle as that's where its designed to be used, and add unleashed/post cycle combo as a replacement in post cycle therapy (pct), they'll really round off your post cycle therapy (pct) well.

if you need any other help drop me a pm bro, and ill do my best to advise you. I can also save you a packet on the transaderm so let me know if you wanna add it :)
Dont listen to everyone about super high doses on hella. i think 75mg is the sweet spot. 100mg of hella gave me crippling back pumps even with touring