*First ever cycle - Tri Test 400*


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*First ever cycle - Tri Test 400* opinions wanted

Hi guys,
I'm after a little reassurance that the cycle I'm about to do is going to be ok as it's not exactly what I was after but is all I can get hold of through my friend. If it's not adequate then I'll give it a miss but I've already had my 'gear' for a few months as I keep talking myself out of doing it.

Stats - 29 years old, 13 stone 3lbs (185lbs) and 6ft tall (186cm) 10% BF, been training for 7 years with a couple of breaks for things like my wife having our first child

Gear - Pro Chem Tri Test 400 (120mg Test E, 120mg Test C & 160mg Test D)

*GEAR CHANGED MID CYCLE (9th June) TO TEST E 250 @ 2ML PER WEEK (500mg)*

Aromasin (Exemestane) - 150 tabs of 10mg
Altamofen (tamoxifen citrate) 50 tabs of 20mg

Planned cycle - Weeks 1-12, 400mg Test, pinning 1/2ml (200mg) Monday AM and 1/2ml Thursday PM (3.5 days apart)
Aromasin @ 10mg ED depending on bloodwork and how I'm feeling with regards to any sides. Bloodwork to be done next week.
Altamofen (Nolva) - 40/40/20/20, start two weeks after last test shot, lasting four weeks

Sorry if any of this seems stupid or is completely wrong. I did A LOT of research a little while back and have forgotten a few things recently.

Any questions or if there is anything I've forgotten then just ask.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Just take one pill of Aromasin a day since there 10mgs. U must have gotten the dose mixed up with adex. Looks good to me. Actually one of the best cycle layouts a noob posted. I'm very proud.
Btw, pct is started about 2 weeks after your last pin and lasts for about 4 weeks.
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
I would recommend incorporating HCG into your cycle and Clomid into your PCT.

Other than that, good job.
I couldn't get hold of either when I got my gear but i'll ask again and see if I can now. I know it's not ideal but if I can't get any, will I be ok without it?
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You can cycle without it but its not that expensive and the benefits are numerous. Plus if you want a better recovery post cycle and keep what gains you earned than add it.
Money isn't the issue as I wanted to buy everything exactly as I needed it for the perfect cycle. I'm let down by living in a small town in the UK and availability is somewhat restricted. I'm waiting to hear about getting some Clomid but I only have one source and ordering online isn't easy over here.
I agree with adding HCG but it isn't necessary. It just helps your natural testosterone come back online much faster since dosing thru out the cycle keeps production up so gains aren't lost. Without HCG you could pretty much count on losing most of the gains. Altho on a personal experience note, after having done 9 moderate cycles over the last 11years myself, all the juice I've done seems to have some pronounced permanent effect on my ability to take months off the gym and then get some impressive size and vascular definition back very quickly. I don't know if it's muscle memory or some other long term cellular effect from steroids but it's like as soon as I start lifting again, I start blowing back up to a relative size to where i was at the end of my last cycle. I'm talking after two years off the juice
I spoke to my guy today and I definitely can't get Clomid so Nolva will have to do. On the plus side I can get HCG in injectable form.
Should I do the HCG throughout the whole cycle or just add it to my PCT? Is it just personal preference or is one way better?
