First Ever Cycle


New member
I am a new to the steroid world. I'm 26 5'10" 220 about 14-16% bf. I have lifting consistently for about 4 years and have been studying and learning about training, and nutrition for about 3.5 years. I have recently started to take an interest in the AAS world and instead of getting on here and ask a bunch of newb questions I started reading for the past week or so. All the stickies and newbie info. I have decided to do a cycle after all I have learned. I have really reasonable numbers so i only plan on doing a cycle or 2. I want to pack on about 15-20 more lbs of muscle and do it the bare bones way. Everything I have read says Test only first cycle so that's all I'm going to do here is my plan. I got it pretty much from the massive post for means stickie.

Test E-600mg per week. 300 twice a week. For 12 weeks
Nolvadex-20mg per day weeks 1-15
Clomid weeks 12-15.
Then a cycle with test c later.

I think you have Nolvadex and Arimidex confused, Nolva should be taken along with the clomid during your post cycle therapy (pct). Adex is what you would want to take during cycle and all the way through post cycle therapy (pct) at .25mg Every other day, if you see the slightest sign of Gyno up it to .5mg Every other day. Ill just lay out a good first cycle for you

TEST-E weeks 1-12 600mg/week 300mg twice a week.
Arimidex Weeks 1-17 .25mg Every Other day (Its personal preference to start Adex right off the bat, I myself waited 2-3 weeks to start taking my A.I.)

post cycle therapy (pct) Should begin 14-15 days after last Test E injection (You may also want to read into HCG for a blast phase after cycle to get your nutz going, or run it during cycle, research it)
Your post cycle therapy (pct) should consist of (If you dont rock the HCG)
Clomid at 50mg Every Day for 4 weeks, if you want to taper it down to 25mg for the last week, or even the last 2 weeks thats up to you.
Nolvadex at 40mg Every Day for 2 weeks, then taper it down to 20mg ED for the last 2 weeks.

Also I see no reason to do a Test C cycle, Test is Test bro, the only thing that changes is the half life, and in my OP E's half life is better since its shorter, so it clears your body faster, which is better for post cycle therapy (pct) in my OP.

Best of luck, hit me up if you need any other help.
I see what your saying the reason i went with nolvadex thru the whole cycle is because it was a sample cycle for first timers in the massive newbie info sticky. I'm trying to go simple for my first and 2nd.
I notice you said you were reading for 1 week and then decided to do it. No offense but I would research a little more, maybe read for 3 months. There's months worth of articles on here and other sites that one should read before you're sure. I have about 10 books on bodybuilding on my shelf right now, and it took me 1 year to make this decision. Weigh all the pros and cons.

Doing nolva while on cycle will hinder gains. Keep clomid and arimidex on hand in case of side effects. I am personally going to do nolva post cycle, and keep arimidex in case of sides. Keep in mind I'm not a seasoned professional so anybody else here probably will be able to provide more quality feedback.

Other than that good luck with your cycle
Running Nolva that long is dangerous, it can cause blood clots and just isn't what you need to be running for the entire cycle. You should run an aromatose inhibitor like arimidex to keep the estrogen production down, as opposed to nolva which just fills the estrogen receptors. Cycle looks good besides that. I suggest arimidex at .25 eod throughout cycle. If you don't run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you can keep the nolva on hand for gyno symptoms if they appear.