First Helladrol cycle tips and suggestions


New member
Hey guys 22yr old looking at running a helladrol cycle as a Christmas present to myself. Currently 6 foot even, 185lbs @9%BF. Have been wanting to get my feet wet in the world of anabolics and am under the impression helladrol would be a good starting point. Cycle I'm considering is as follows:

1-6 Helladrol 50/50/75/75/100/100
1-6 forged liver support
1-6 clomid @25mg a day
1-6 n2-guard

6-10 forged liver support
6-10 clomid @25mg a day
6-10 erase pro
6-10 n2-guard
6-10 DAA @3g a day

Of course I will also be taking the usual multi, fish oil, protein, creatine(probably kre alkayln), at least 1 gallon of water a day, proper diet and training regimen. Should i avoid PWO? Any recommendations on ones that wont negatively effect bp or hr? Have a buddy with nolvadex, and arimadex just in case but not to worried due to a relatively weaker compound, at lower doses. I know some may say erase pro is not needed but I have a bottle and a half left over I might as well use. Looking for thoughts/tips/suggestions. Going to have timers for all doses of different products. Anything you guys would add? Should I increase clomid dosage? Any input would be greatly appreciated! "Stay strong, stay hungry."
You don't need both the forged liver and n2guard bud, run the n2guard and drop the forged liver or save for another time.

Id seriously up the dosage of helladrol, 50mg is a waste, start at 75 and don't be afraid to go upto 125mg. you can adjust the dosage as need be so just gradually increase as you see fit. No need to stagger it up like everybody seems to plan, just gradually raise it and assess, and then settle where you feel best.

bro drop the clomid on cycle (running it in pct is a good idea) and add transaderm it'll remove any lethargic sides that may occur and will add to your gains. It will really help the cycle and id def look to add it in.

Keep the clomid where it is bro 25mg should be fine.

Run it properly my man or don't bother at all, its not worth shutting yourself down and spending a load of cash and getting mediocre results, when you can do it properly and actually enjoy the experience.
Yeah I just realized running forged and guard is definitely overkill when it comes to liver support. Would I want to run transderm during of after cycle? And I totally agree on if you aren't going to run it right don't waste the time and money. Ill kick it to 75mg from the start and increase according to how my body responds. Do you see anything I'm missing or any potential for shut down? Some people recommend stanzol but I don't like topicals, also hearing about hcgenerate but I've always had better results with erase pro and DAA for natty test
Okay so updated I'm looking at
1-6 helladrol (75/75/75/75/100/100)
1-6 n2guard

7-10 n2guard
7-10 clomid @25mg
7-10 unleashed/post cycle
7-10 PES Erase pro
7-10 DAA @3g a day
I'd move the DAA to on cycle. That pct without it is still good. And even run 6g ED.....the stuff so cheap why not ???

Make sure to take the n2gaurd at night. The liver supports will mess with the hella absorption. Honestly, just run 100ng the whole time. It will begin to work faster and the higher dose will bring on the strength gains quicker. The sides are not bad at 100 either, if you really search enough you will see some dumbasses run 175mg so don't think your going to kill your liver or anything.
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Noted, thanks for the tips. I see alot of people running stanzol during their cycle usually around week 3. Would you recommend starting the erase pro around that time? I have another half bottle so if it would be beneficial in reducing sides/restimulating natty test production I'd have no problem throwing it in the mix. Should I just run DAA the whole time or will erase pro be enough? Sorry if my questions are redundant I just wanna do this right and get the most out of it. Definitely will run hella at 100mg the whole time makes it easier to take 2 caps morning and night then 3 times a day
Yeah I run a low dose of forma or erase the whole time.

You don't want anything converting into estrogen so be proactive about it. 1-2 caps of erase of 3 pumps of forma twice a day. I'd run 6g daa the whole cycle. But I would take some off days from it so it stays effective. You already have a stacked pct, the only thing I'd still look at would be osta.

It's not ph/aas strength but it will allow for gains in pct which is rare

Sarms1 is the new place that's pretty cheap. Adding osta in p t will make the cycle essentially longer because of how anabolic it is.
Yeah I just realized running forged and guard is definitely overkill when it comes to liver support. Would I want to run transderm during of after cycle? And I totally agree on if you aren't going to run it right don't waste the time and money. Ill kick it to 75mg from the start and increase according to how my body responds. Do you see anything I'm missing or any potential for shut down? Some people recommend stanzol but I don't like topicals, also hearing about hcgenerate but I've always had better results with erase pro and DAA for natty test

you would run transaderm during your cycle you an start 1 to 2 weeks prior to cycle start to really get it to kick in, not 100% essential though. Just begin it from the start and run it all cycle, and then stop at the end of your cycle on the last day, then go into pct as normal. Like I said prior itll definatly improve your gains (what we all want) as it acts as a test-base for your cycle, and will also stop certain side effects such as lethargy. A huge edge imo bro