First inject cycle... Here. We. Go.


New member
Alright boys... I, of course, like all other newbs.. started off with a cycle of Winstrol (winny) only. I had some pretty fockin good results. I'll post a before and after pic and let you all see the results I had from that cycle.. I have kind of let myself slide again, so I started this bad boy up.

This cycle is gonna look like this. I am doing it with a buddy of mine and we will be keeping each other accountable.

week 1-10 Test E (500 mg/wk)
week 2, 3, 4 Test P (300 mg/wk)
week 6-12 Anavar (50mg ED)
Aromasin on hand in 25 mg caps- will take when/if necessary.

Clomid on hand... debating the dosage.

I had my second injection last night. Only test E in me... as the test P was delayed and i couldn't wait... i know.. dumb. Anyway.. I have 500 mg in me now and I love the feeling of pinning myself.

This is a LEAN bulk... I am doing a sort of circuit for my lifting. My body reacts quickly and changes rapidly. Hopefully you guys can stick around and I'll show you some pretty cool results. You all have to keep me on my game too, i need to be yelled at every once in a while.

The pic is from the Winstrol (winny) cycle.. I will post them from this cycle. Sorry about the queer writing on the pic.. fiance thought it was cute.

Stay tuned boys!
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Why are you adding prop weeks 2 3 4? If anything jumpstart. With prop for the first 4, and im not a fan of running orals for 6 weeks but 50mgI of Anavar (var) is fairly conservative dose I guess and run the test e for 12 weeks
what are your stats, and you are the first person i've heard of that did a Winstrol (winny) only cycle first
5' 10"
16% Bf ish

I guarantee y'all are gonna say.. don't do this, and ya I get it. But I have been researching steroids since I was 15. I've done so many projects and papers on them through HS and college. There are so many myths and I know how to do this the right way and get good solid gains on it.

Would love to jumpstart the prop, but like I said, it didn't come in. It will be here tomorrow. So I will inject when I get it, and run 100mgs EOD until its gone. Should be about the time the E kicks in. I'm not tryin to sound cocky, but I have done years of research and am very certain I can handle this.
personally i would just run the test, and then post cycle therapy (pct). but thats just me.
and how old are you
Gonna run the anavar cause I know how Winstrol (winny) treated me, and have only found people to think anavar is winny... on steroids ;-).

24 years old.
You're gonna be wondering why they said that about the Anavar (var) once you start it... Crank up the dose to at least 75mg or you'll be disappointed.