First official cycle @ 24 y.o.


New member
So I'm a month out from turning 24, and I think that I can handle the steroid thing now. I tried some T-bol, oral only, and fucked off with the cycle really quickly. I did not heed the oral-only warning, and honestly I was tentative about pinning. Now I went with a reputable vendor for a test E cycle with a t-bol kickstart. I'm currently 205 @ 71 inches tall, about 13-14% bf. I'm actually doing this for a quasi-body recomp before summer after bulking up. I read a lot that steroids should only be used once the genetic potential is reached, but I disagree. I don't want to be on roids for life, so I don't want to achieve an unsustainable body mass. I'm as muscular now as I've ever wanted to be, and I just want to put on a little more size while leaning out in the midsection.

One of my reasons for making this thread is to encourage other newbies to not be afraid of pinning! It doesn't even hurt! I did my first test injection today right into my quad and didn't even hurt, and it doesn't even hurt now. I'll admit that my hand was shaking and I was nervous, but once I got over it, I realized I had nothing to worry about! So if you're new to this, and you are tentative about pinning, don't be! It's completely not a big deal.