first peptide shot today!!!!!


New member
So I made my first shot of ghrp-6 and cjc 1295 nodac from geo

I mixed 1ml with the 2mg bottle of cjc and 2.5ml with the 5mg bottle of ghrp-6

I took it 2 1/2 hours after eating

I used 5unit of each... so if my math is correct that's 100mcg of each

I only have 5/16ths syringe tips so it was prob more of a sub-q then IM but im lean and did it in my chest so I might have touched the muscle a bit

I did not get any tingling nor did I get any extreme hunger but I still at 25mins after my shot

What yall think?

edit.... also are any of these peptides known for spot growth or is that just for igf lr3?
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For me I remember the first time I pinned I used GHRP-2 and Mod GRF, I had hunger pains on that. I had the biggest cheat meal of my life later that night. I couldn't stop eating lol. Give it a few days. Maybe you are one of those lucky guys that don't get the hunger pain from 6 lol.
lol that's unlucky, I think lol.... I was looking forward to turning into a fat ass everytime I pinned lol
so today is day for of taking geo peptides... I think its fake and perhaps balls have gotten bigger and I put on a few pounds of water weight.... if this is hcg what do I have to do? I just finished a cycle about 7 weeks ago, sill taking clomid and nolva just cause I wanted to finish the bottle... if it is hcg am I fuckin up my hpta system? because I know it stimulated ur lideye cells but shuts u down a bit? if its hcg what health risks and cons am I facing? do I have to do a pct once im done or do I have to restart the clock before my next cycle?
I'm not sure bro. Use it for another week or so and get a blood test done. If it's HCG your LH levels will plummet while test shoots up. If your balls have gotten bigger than I have to say it's likely that it is HCG.

Edit: Just realized your still in PCT. I'd drop the cycle entirely man. If it really is HCG than ur screwing yourself over in PCT. You got clomid telling your HPTA to kick back LH/FSH production while producing more GnRH, but at the same time you might be putting in HCG and that tells your HPTA everything is fine so it stops making GnRH.

You feeling the hunger yet?
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Hcg is on average more expensive then peptides. And holding water is a side effect of first time using just like hgh, it should subside over 2 weeks. They will not help with spot growth but they will give a good hardening effect over 2-3 months

ignore i read the post incorrectly
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so today is day for of taking geo peptides... I think its fake and perhaps balls have gotten bigger and I put on a few pounds of water weight.... if this is hcg what do I have to do? I just finished a cycle about 7 weeks ago, sill taking clomid and nolva just cause I wanted to finish the bottle... if it is hcg am I fuckin up my hpta system? because I know it stimulated ur lideye cells but shuts u down a bit? if its hcg what health risks and cons am I facing? do I have to do a pct once im done or do I have to restart the clock before my next cycle?
you use hcg just before PCT, not during, not after. do pct after hcg IMO
nope no hunger. absolutely no sides that im suppose to get... did 200mcg of each the other day n it didn't do anything so I dropped it.. looks like I wasted 200$ :/