first pic... please critique


New member
tell me what my strong and weak points are. and how much bf% i need to lose to have my abs actually show. please critique away fellas.

my pic
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need to lose the water
shoulders need more work
same goes to chest
more cardio
have a nice diet
abs are genetic...but I think around 10% or 8% not sure
haha ok thanks for the comments. hmm i must be doing something wrong. one more thing, is there any noticible difference from this older pic from the newer one on the top.
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slick21 said:
haha ok thanks for the comments. hmm i must be doing something wrong. one more thing, is there any noticible difference from this older pic from the newer one on the top.

bro, i see a slight difference. How much time elapsed between the two pics? Serioulsy though, there comes a time when you have to make a choice. you're either working out to challenge you mind, body, and soul like never before, or you;re just another gym rat thinking that you can be in the gym for 1 hour and call it a work out even if you only WORK out for 5mins. Now go make that choice. People in the above posts have already give you good info.
what do u mean soft? ya im a beginner so im learning all the basics and stuff. my brother knows a lot and hes helping me with this. i just wanted to see if i made any noticable gains since my first pics. ill post a pic after summer to c if my hard work has paid off.
BiggerthanLavar said:
bro, i see a slight difference. How much time elapsed between the two pics? Serioulsy though, there comes a time when you have to make a choice. you're either working out to challenge you mind, body, and soul like never before, or you;re just another gym rat thinking that you can be in the gym for 1 hour and call it a work out even if you only WORK out for 5mins. Now go make that choice. People in the above posts have already give you good info.

Thanks man, ill keep that in mind.
actually I do see a slight differance between the 2 pics, but either way start eating a whole lot more. And after you eat you should probably eat some more. Then post some pics in 3 months and you should see much more of a differance. What was your weight in the 2 pics, the scale tells all your progress.
Bimmer said:
actually I do see a slight differance between the 2 pics, but either way start eating a whole lot more. And after you eat you should probably eat some more. Then post some pics in 3 months and you should see much more of a differance. What was your weight in the 2 pics, the scale tells all your progress.

i was 140-145ish in the old pic and the new one im 155, u think if i got up to 170 id be pretty solid. im actually 5'6 so i think 170lbs is a pretty solid wt for that size. and i get off school soon too so ill have a lot more time. ya ill bookmark this thread and get back to u in 3 months and see track my progress. another q: whats an more effective split weekly 2 musles/workout or 1 muscle /workout