First post First cycle - comprehensive post


New member
Alright a little about myself first.

I've been lifting since highschool and am now 26, lifting on and off since then. I've only recently started going real heavy into lifting and fitness in general. I am very active doing muay thai and taekwondo and will soon be joining the military...
I started heavy into lifting and fitness about 7 or 8 months ago, going 5x a week regularly, doing cardio maybe 4 or 5 times a week.
I started at 230 lbs, i am now 182 lbs... so about 50 lbs of fat lost.
My diet is on point, my exercise routine i think is on point.
I've been thinking of doing a cycle now for years and now i think im at the point where i'll be doing it.
Done alot of research and just need some opinions, I know people are gonna tell me not to do it because of my BF% but ultimately, my goal is fat loss while keeping or maybe even gaining a little bit of LBM.

age: 26
weight : 182
bf: around 20%?? idk, using a scale to measure it.
height: 5' 10"

The 10 week cycle im thinking of:

500mg Test enanthate per week - 10 weeks, (250mg 2x a week or 500 1x a week.)

150mg of Tren - 10 weeks, 150mg EOD

0.25mg Arimidex ED throughout cycle

Nolvadex 10 - 20 mg a day as needed to fight gyno

300mg Clomid for one day, then 50mg per day for 4 weeks beginning 2 weeks after last injection of Test enanthate

Another option i was also considering, my source has what's called a "cut stack." Comprising of;

50mg of test p / 50mg mast p / 50mg tren a

The ratio of compound in this stack is, from what i've read and researched, pretty oldschool... And in my limited knowledge this sounds like an EOD kind of stack at least
Also, for my first cycle, I'm not sure of doing a 3 compound stack... Even for me that is a little too much? or maybe it's not, im not experienced enough to differentiate.

I think I should also mention, I don't intend to be a long term user of AAS, This will probably be my first and only cycle... Yet another reason why im going pretty hardcore. Although i may do a bulk cycle maybe, Im not entirely sure yet.

I was also thinking of finasteride but upon more research i've heard of bad bad stuff about this shit. Will not do. I have no propensity to male patern baldness, and i think i have enough AI in my stack to prevent or control any sides that may occur.

I realize tren is "hardcore" and for more experienced users, but since my goal is fat loss, and i will be eating a 15- 25% caloric deficit, its muscle sparing and nutrient partitioning properties make it a good choice to achieve my goals.

Im probably gonna get flamed pretty hard for this first post and cycle, but bring it on, i wanna hear some honest opinions... I'm pretty serious about this and will likely do it in the near future depending on everyones opinion.

I would also like to ask about HCG and n2guard, are these necessary? I know n2guard will be beneficial, what about HCG?? more research will be done on this compound, but i value the experience of the members on this forum.

Thank you for your time.
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bro I am not an expert but I heard from many experienced guys that:

1- 20% body fat is too high for any aromatizing steroid (like test), you are more likely to feel the brunt of estrogen related side effects like gyno, water retention, blood pressure problems etc. for the best results for your health its recommended to be leaner.

2- anabolics are NOT fat burners, sure they will allow you to keep more muscle mass under high caloric deficits when your diet is dialed in, but they will not really burn the fat for you (even tren). you burn fat by diet (and to some extent cardio)

3- as you said, tren is not a good compound for beginners.
first cycle should be JUST TEST.
I find it hard to believe your "diet is on point" when you're 20% bodyfat. That's pretty much a contradiction.
300mg clomid, even for a day, is WAYYYYYYY tooooo much. 100 would be your max.
don't run that "cut stack" your dealer is trying to upsell you.
first and only cycle....sure...heard that one before. If that's the case you'll go "hard" and then lose all your gains afterwards and be back to square one.

if you weigh 182 and are at 20% bf and 5'10 in you have any muscle on you at all?
sounds like you'll be 150lbs at 0%bf which is basically what your bones and organs would weigh.
Well, like i said, im not really sure of my bf%... Im using one of those scales that tell you your bf%... I can take a picture if u want.

Also, thanks for the advice on the clomid.

And my diet is on point, i lost 50 lbs of fat in 8 months :) If you dont believe me you can check my fitnesspal

I am 100% committed to my diet and my exercise plan, havent missed a day, havent gone off track in 8 months.

I would only be doing a disservice to myself, as I'm looking for information and advice, if i were to lie to you.\

I also understand a standard cutting cycle would have tren higher than test... Is that what i should do here? are there any benefits when cutting with tren to have my test as high as it is?
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Well, like i said, im not really sure of my bf%... Im using one of those scales that tell you your bf%... I can take a picture if u want.

Also, thanks for the advice on the clomid.

And my diet is on point, i lost 50 lbs of fat in 8 months :) If you dont believe me you can check my fitnesspal

I am 100% committed to my diet and my exercise plan, havent missed a day, havent gone off track in 8 months.

I would only be doing a disservice to myself, as I'm looking for information and advice, if i were to lie to you.\

I also understand a standard cutting cycle would have tren higher than test... Is that what i should do here? are there any benefits when cutting with tren to have my test as high as it is?

Pictures...yes please. That will help.

How high you run compounds doesn't really integrate with what you're looking to do. Also test to tren ratios are bull crap. You're really just looking to keep muscle whilst losing bf. If your diet is on point, then all you need is enough test and tren (or any component) to keep muscles. That could be 250 test 300 tren. You aren't all that big so it wouldn't take much!
Hey thanks for the help Onk, i really appreciate it.
Here are a couple pictures of me... I blocked out my face and discernible tatoos just in case... not sure of thats weird or unnecessary lol.
Sorry for the shitty pictures, im working with a really old phone my dog found. true story.

If my bf% is still too high i am open to natural cutting for the time being, it isn't hard to do... but i find im losing a lot of muscle mass, but that may be just me overthinking things.
I've tried the pinch method with a caliper to get my bf% but its hard to determine where to pinch, as im getting a different reading depending on where to pinch, how hard to pinch etc etc.
And I know my scale is inherently inaccurate.

Also, i know its rare for people to only do one cycle... But like i mentioned before, I'm joining the military pretty soon, within the next 6 months... I don't think I'll be able to get my hands on any substances while there?? Im not sure. So there's a really good chance that this will be my first and only cycle. You mentioned losing all your gains on a 1 cycle run, is this still true even with proper pct, post cycle nutrition and exercise?? If so... this might not even be worth doing.

So yeah man just give me your opinion on what i should do... Thats why im here!
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first cycle should be JUST TEST.
I find it hard to believe your "diet is on point" when you're 20% bodyfat. That's pretty much a contradiction.
300mg clomid, even for a day, is WAYYYYYYY tooooo much. 100 would be your max.
don't run that "cut stack" your dealer is trying to upsell you.
first and only cycle....sure...heard that one before. If that's the case you'll go "hard" and then lose all your gains afterwards and be back to square one.

^^^^^ This x2

The question is not if u intend to be a long term user of AAS or not. The question is if you are gonna do only one cycle and you are already set on it (despite actually knowing how much results you gonna get from it) that cycle should be Test only. Then if you are not happy with your gains and decide to go for another cycle you can experiment with other AAS.
Also judging by your pics I'm afraid you are indeed around 20%bf if not more. You have a lot of work to do on your diet :)
There's a guy on this board called 3J, you can see his banners all over, I recommend him highly. He's been coaching me for 2 years now and I went from 180lbs to 225lbs (the first 20lbs were achieved just by dieting.)
I think he's having a sale right now.
20% huh, i guess that scale was worth the 60 dollars lol.
I'm not completely set on the cycle just yet. Im on this site posting to help me gauge the potential risk vs potential reward, and hopefully be able to make an informed decision based on the opinions and views expressed here.
So i understand that bf% has alot to do with converting the excess testosterone in your body right, would an inhibitor counteract this or... Idk ... :\