First post first cycle what do you think


New member
Hello...first post here. My stats are
158pounds (started at 110)
4 years training.
Currently on a 5×5 lifting Routine

Currently bulking on a 3000, 400 calorie surplus.
I eat whatever fits my Macros while eating the foods i enjoy.

I am planning my first cycle, just wanted to see what you guys think

Week 1-10 Test E @ 500mg per week split into 2 injections
Week 1-4. Dbol @20mg a day split up through out the day
Anastrozole When/if needed.

Novadex 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/20/20
Liv 52 whatever directions say

is there anything you would add or take out? Thanks
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It seems good to me but up the dbol to 30 and the test by 2 more weeks inteed of 10 go with 12
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Looks good to me similar to what I wanna do but also going for 12 weeks I am going to try 50mg dbol your choice have a good cycle bud let us know how it turns out:beertoast