First Post, First Cycle >:)


New member
Hi guys!

I've been lurking this forum for years—and after years of research, training and hard work in the gym—I'm finally ready to join you gentleman.

I'm almost 24, 193 lbs, 5'10, 14% and just started my first cycle of Test E 375mg W last week.

Just trying to knock off my 50 posts so i can message some of the guys on here whose shit I've been reading for years.

Thanks Gentleman!
How long is your cycle and what are the other details like Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT? I would personally bump that dose to 500mg/wk (2x250mg). Unless that's 375mg each pin and doing 2 pins per week in which case it'd be a pretty heavy cycle lol. Good luck with the cycle!
First, I think 23 is too young, but it sounds like you've already started, so it is what it is. 2X on what Doc said. Once you start running test, it shuts down your natural production, so part of your dose just replaces that and gets you back to normal, Then you need to add more to get your levels elevated. 375/week will get you levels up, but not that much. Any amount will shut you down and require full PCT, so make the most of it. 500 is where I think you should be, pinned 2X 250 per week.

Give us your full cycle if you want better input.
How may weeks of test, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), PCT, all of it.
thanks for your post bro

Ya i really thought hard about running 500mg for my first cycle; in the end, i decided to just run 375mg because i feel ill still make considerable gains since its my first time, the cycle will be very simple making it easier to pinpoint and manage sides if any, and most importantly i'll have somewhere to go from here***8212;gradually ramping up the dosage and complexity for future cycles.

i plan on running the test e for 12 to 14 weeks as long as my bloodwork is looking good.

PCT and AI: A-dex .25mg ed or .5mg eod
and 2 weeks after last pin, Nolva: 40,40,20,20
Clomid: 40,40,40,40

HCG: i plan on running 1500 EW for 3 weeks after last injection, Im a little confused when i should start this though? Logic tells me it should be about 2 weeks after my last pin, but i thought its counterproductive to run HCG with PCT? I may make a new thread about HCG because its seems theres sooo much conflicting information and opinions on how to use it out there.

As an afterthought, im thinking about throwing 50mg of Anavar (var) in for the next 4 weeks and then for my last 2 weeks of test and 2 weeks following my last pin. Any thoughts?

Thank You guys!!
Any amount will shut you down and require full PCT, so make the most of it. 500 is where I think you should be, pinned 2X 250 per week.

i definitely see the logic in this.. I may bump up to 500mg depending on bloodwork and how i feel.

My main concern is just making sure i allow myself alot of space to gradually grow into heavier dosages and more complex cycles. For sure my next cycle would be something like 500mg of Test and 350mg of deca or eq
I would personally run the Anavar (var) the last 4 weeks to squeeze the water out and harden up at the end
I've never run Anavar (var) , so I won't comment on it. I do like dbol as a kicker, FWIT. The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct) look good. As I'm sure you know, the main reason to run HCG is to keep your nads awake. Without it, they shut down and shrink, which means it takes them longer to get back up to speed when you start post cycle therapy (pct). There are 2 schools of thought on how to use it, blast it like you describe, which gives them, well, a swift kick in the nuts. The idea here is to quickly get them back to full size so they will recover faster when you start post cycle therapy (pct). The other school of thought is to run a smaller dose throughout your cycle, so they never really shrink at all. I favor the later, but that's the only way I've ever done it, so I cannot really compare the two. I pin 250iu 2X week, same day as test, starting around week 2 or 3. No need to start on day one because it takes them a while to get shut down. I run it so the last pin is 3 days before post cycle therapy (pct), and I just keep the dose steady at 250iu per pin the whole time. What ever you decide to do, I recommend making out a calendar that shows every pin and every pill, all the way out to the end of your post cycle therapy (pct). This way you always know what to take and at what time on any given day, and helps you time when to start the HCG so you end on the right day.

Like I said before, I think you're too young, but if you're going to do it, do it. Bump it to 500 per week and listen to Metalhead. I would only run it the last 4 weeks, because by that time, you should know how the test feels so you'll be able to tell what the Anavar (var) is adding. If you do it at the beginning of middle of your first cycle and something doesn't feel right, it's hard to know what's causing it. Conventional wisdom says test only for your first for this very reason, but I think by the last 4, you'll know what's what.

Good Luck!
thanks for your post bro

Ya i really thought hard about running 500mg for my first cycle; in the end, i decided to just run 375mg because i feel ill still make considerable gains since its my first time, the cycle will be very simple making it easier to pinpoint and manage sides if any, and most importantly i'll have somewhere to go from here***8212;gradually ramping up the dosage and complexity for future cycles.

i plan on running the test e for 12 to 14 weeks as long as my bloodwork is looking good.

post cycle therapy (pct) and AI: A-dex .25mg ed or .5mg eod
and 2 weeks after last pin, Nolva: 40,40,20,20
Clomid: 40,40,40,40

HCG: i plan on running 1500 EW for 3 weeks after last injection, Im a little confused when i should start this though? Logic tells me it should be about 2 weeks after my last pin, but i thought its counterproductive to run HCG with post cycle therapy (pct)?I may make a new thread about HCG because its seems theres sooo much conflicting information and opinions on how to use it out there.

As an afterthought, im thinking about throwing 50mg of Anavar (var) in for the next 4 weeks and then for my last 2 weeks of test and 2 weeks following my last pin. Any thoughts?

Thank You guys!!

Like Rumpy said sounds like you want to blast HCG at the end so do it after your last pin but make sure to end it 4days before you post cycle therapy (pct) since it is suppressive and will keep you shutdown which will defeat the purpose of post cycle therapy (pct).
If it's your first cycle just stick to test. Save Anavar (var) for another cycle or when you're more experienced. How did you come up with the 375mg / week ? What's the test dosed at? It seems a weird number to decide on. Most test comes in 100,200, mg per ml for example.