First post. Looking for advice on winstrol.


New member
I am 24 years old, 5' 10", 165lbs. In the past I have run d-bol, testosterone enanthate, and sustanon. I have not used any gear in over two years. I also went about 6 months without lifting, but have been lifting again for a few weeks now. I have been lifting off and on since I was 17, but before my 6 month lay off I was a serious lifter for a few years.

Right now I know that I am not in good enough shape to start a cycle. For now I am just trying to research and plan for a cycle. I am not a bodybuilder. My goal is not to put on significant mass. I am looking to gain strength and definition.

I am considering running 50mg every day in two divided doses of oral winstrol for 6 weeks. I know that many people may think this is not a good idea for several reasons. I know people will say you need to run test 500 for 10 weeks instead ect... The reason I am considering this cycle is because I am not looking add significant mass, only add strength and definition. I have had problems with BAD ACNE from previous cycles and I am looking for something that will not cause me to have acne. I do not want to run anything that would cause acne becaue I am prone to acne problems.

I was considering something like this:
week 1-6 50mg winstrol
week 7 20mg nalvadex
week 8-9 10mg nalvadex

I also have an old bottle of MD1T, which is now banned:
90 Capsules
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 2Capsule
Servings Per Container 45
L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG) 1000mg
Uva Ursi (Leaf)(Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi) 400mg
Milk Thistle (80% Silymarin) 200mg
19-Norandrosta 4, 9 Diene 3, 17 Dione 50mg
17a-Methyl-Etioallocholan-2-Ene-17b-Ol 20mg

I started taking the MD1T over a year ago but injured my shoulder and quit it while I could not lift. Now I have 46 caps left. I thougth about stacking it with the windstrol, but Im not sure how it would react with it and how I would do post cycle therapy (pct) with the two of them.

These are my main concerns:
1) Do I need to take something for my liver? What should I take? How much?
2) Is this cycle going to make my dick not work?
3) should I stack the MD1T with windstrol and if I do should I take two pills a day (recomeded dose on the bottle) for 23 days or one pill everyday for the length of the windstrol cycle.
4) What should I do for post cycle therapy (pct)? BTW I already have nalva and clomid.
5) is there a better alternative to windstrol that fits my goals (no acne, strength gains and definition but not neccessarily mass)

All comments, critisism, and advice is welcome, but please do not say a windstrol cycle only is stupid. Instead say a windstrol only cycle is stupid because..... and you would be better off doing this instead
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I am 24 years old, 5' 10", 165lbs. In the past I have run d-bol, testosterone enanthate, and sustanon. I have not used any gear in over two years. I also went about 6 months without lifting, but have been lifting again for a few weeks now. I have been lifting off and on since I was 17, but before my 6 month lay off I was a serious lifter for a few years.

Right now I know that I am not in good enough shape to start a cycle. For now I am just trying to research and plan for a cycle. I am not a bodybuilder. My goal is not to put on significant mass. I am looking to gain strength and definition.

I am considering running 50mg every day in two divided doses of oral winstrol for 6 weeks. I know that many people may think this is not a good idea for several reasons. I know people will say you need to run test 500 for 10 weeks instead ect... The reason I am considering this cycle is because I am not looking add significant mass, only add strength and definition. I have had problems with BAD ACNE from previous cycles and I am looking for something that will not cause me to have acne. I do not want to run anything that would cause acne becaue I am prone to acne problems.

I was considering something like this:
week 1-6 50mg winstrol
week 7 20mg nalvadex
week 8-9 10mg nalvadex

I also have an old bottle of MD1T, which is now banned:
90 Capsules
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 2Capsule
Servings Per Container 45
L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG) 1000mg
Uva Ursi (Leaf)(Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi) 400mg
Milk Thistle (80% Silymarin) 200mg
19-Norandrosta 4, 9 Diene 3, 17 Dione 50mg
17a-Methyl-Etioallocholan-2-Ene-17b-Ol 20mg

I started taking the MD1T over a year ago but injured my shoulder and quit it while I could not lift. Now I have 46 caps left. I thougth about stacking it with the windstrol, but Im not sure how it would react with it and how I would do PCT with the two of them.

These are my main concerns:
1) Do I need to take something for my liver? What should I take? How much?
2) Is this cycle going to make my dick not work?
3) should I stack the MD1T with windstrol and if I do should I take two pills a day (recomeded dose on the bottle) for 23 days or one pill everyday for the length of the windstrol cycle.
4) What should I do for PCT? BTW I already have nalva and clomid.
5) is there a better alternative to windstrol that fits my goals (no acne, strength gains and definition but not neccessarily mass)

All comments, critisism, and advice is welcome, but please do not say a windstrol cycle only is stupid. Instead say a windstrol only cycle is stupid because..... and you would be better off doing this instead
You can add a lot of "strength and definition" without using pharmaceuticals. Especially given your stats and age. You have a lot of room to work with man. I would reconsider if I were you, and stay away from those ph's too.

it's flustrating when lazy mofo's like yourself get on here and start a bull shit thread like this. i have already read the answer to this question twice today just browsing through the threads. why not spend 15 minutes and read. the answer is here on this site written 100x's in a 100 different ways. and yes, a fucking win cycle is fucking stupid. and if you don't have the drive to find it by searching and reading the existing threads you sure as hell don't need to be playing around with drugs that are going to hurt you more than help you.
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here is one persons thoughts................This was motivated from the thread about anavar only or winstrol only and how running a cycle like that is querer than a 3 legged cat.

The dogma clearly includes running testosterone as the base of any cycle.

Someone let me know if I'm wrong, but the reasoning for this is not so much for the added potential for weight/muscle gains that can be seen with added test but to combat the fact most cycles will shut down production of endogenous testosterone. Especially if the are dosed at a level significant enough to really result in meaningful gains.

You feel like shit with no testosterone, sex drive is low, mild dysthymia, sleep cycle is a little fucked etc. So, based on that reasoning, a maintinence dose (like testosterone replacement therapy doses) could be used in conjunction with the ancillary compound just to maintain some simblance of the normal hormonal mileu.

I'm not saying this would be the way to do it, just using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) as an example.

So, it is not so much you should run test as a base to maximize gains but to keep yourself from going batshit.

I think there is some confusion about why to run test as the base of the cycle. The group that is concerned about putting on more than 10 pounds or whatever are hearing that they need to run test as a base to get more our of the cycle in terms of strength/ size whatever. While that is true, it is not the primary reason for adding the test as a base.
here is another person thoughts: Test is the base hormone of every man (although guys like Tony clearly have less than normal. ). Thus it should be the base of every cycle because any exogenous hormone WILL shutdown HPTA function.

Can you make gains without it? Sure. By why would you want to? Here's a few reasons I've heard.

1. Curiousity. Fine. i can respect that. But at least know the consequences if any so i don't have to hear you bitch when i said i told you so.

2. i don't wanna get too big. This i have never understood. none of us should be working out to get smaller. With that said, food is the primary controller of how much you gain. if you wanna only put on a few pounds of LBM (which is s hit ton btw), you can do that on test. It all depends on how you eat/train/rest

3. I have a vagina/I'm an underwear model/i wear colored contacts to attract attention/i have a tongue ring/i wear Ed Hardy shirts/i wear my hat cocked to the side/i wear jeans with rhinestones on the pockets except for our female members, it shoudl be obvious why this is so stupid
from your lack of willingness to research and your comments i would say your probably a combo of 2 and 3 from rj's post above. please don't start another thread asking ,"since winni sucks would an anavar only cycle be ok?" just busting your balls my friend........
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Moved to the appropriate section

(I know the answer to my stupid question but will still ask anyway section)