First Rodeo


New member
Hey all,

I have recently discovered that I have low testosterone after having some bloodwork done by my doctor. He immediately put me onto Androgel, and I've been using about 2 grams per day since, per his instruction. For various reasons, Androgel is proving not to be ideal for me, so I decided to make the switch into injectables. I lucked out with the doctor, and so I don't think that it will be an issue getting a scrip for test before I start this cycle. The reason for the prescription will be some form of deniability for travel and/or the rumor mill at work.

I'm a competitive powerlifter, and since I will no longer be able to compete in the tested category (Androgel carries the risk of showing up as a positive also, I found out), I decided I might as well start cycling and get some benefits.

I'm 24 years old, and have been training seriously for 3 years. Current 1RM records are squat= 451 lb, bench= 315 lb, and deadlift= 455 lb. I'm 5'4", 200 lbs, and around 15-20% bf. I'll be training 4 days a week, and will begin to cycle GPP work (sled, hammer, prowler, etc.) again as cardio.

I've had gyno since puberty, so I'll be keeping a vigilant eye out for sides. I have a couple of people at my gym who are helping to guide me through this first cycle who have been through similar testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) issues as mine, as well. Here's what I have put together:

Weeks 1-12: 500 mg Test C, 400 mg Deca, 25 mg Proviron ED
Weeks 1-4: 50 mg Phera Plex ED
Weeks 14-19: 80 mg Anavar ED
Weeks 13 on: 200 mg Test C

A friend also recommended that I kickstart the deca with NPP, starting week 2 or 3 to make sure my test is up by them. It would be 1ml EOD for 3 weeks or so. This is a really heavy beginner cycle already, and I'm not totally sure if I Im confortable adding anything else to it, not to mention that I'm not thrilled about the extra pinning that would involve. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

For side control, I'll have some Aromasin ready to go just in case (would run this at 25 mg EOC or E3D if needed).The Proviron will also act as a mild Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so I'm hoping this will help to keep most sides in check. I'll be taking a trip to Australia at the end of the cycle, so the anavar will help firm up a bit before I head out.

Since I'm currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the plan is to drop to a cruising dose of test after the cycle, so no PCT will be needed. I will, however, be monitoring for any sides during this time and will still have aromasin on hand.

The pheraplex is one that I haven't been able to find a ton of info on. From what I can tell, it's perhaps on par with D-bol in terms of anabolic effect, but with fewer sides other than bloat. It came recommended from some teammates.

I'll be following carb backloading for diet, switching to carb nite when I hit the Anavar (var). After a lot of trial and error with other diet methodologies, this diet has been the only way I've put on significant muscle with little to no fat gain. I'll be upping my protein intake, but otherwise will follow the routine I'm currently on.

Other supplements to be taken are:

Fish oil
vitamin d
vitamin b
cycle support (helps with liver function and cholesterol control)
1-2 gallons of water

Go big or go home, right?
Welcome to ology....Well you sound like your going in the right direction on this. I dont know anything about pheraplex. Sorry bud. But thats a good solid dose of Anavar (var) for sure. Youll like the results. Good luck, be patient, guys will jump on and help out Im sure.
Phera Plex... I would not use it.

If you can purchase it over the counter it could be placebo effect. At has always been for me... ProHormones are not as effective as sauce. YMMV

The NPP start might just work. Nothing wrong with trying. Report back
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Thanks for the welcome guys. I'll use this thread as a log, hopefully it'll be useful to someone else. It'll be a bit difficult to pick out which effects are coming from what, but I guess that's the trade off with trying to max out a first cycle.

I'll have all the supplies tomorrow, appointment with the doc on Tuesday (going to talk to him about HGC, as well). Planning on starting the cycle a week from now.
Met up with my doc, got a scrip for 100mg test c a week. Also found out that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) manufacturing has basically been stopped completely, which is in part due to the fad diet where people were using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to lose weight. So basically, doctors can no longer prescribe it for fertility for men and women. Kind of fucked up! I also realized how cool my doctor is, after he was 20 minutes late for the appointment after mine because we were talking about guns.

Other than that, trying to get pins from pharmacists makes me suspect that they're partially retarded. Only online from now on. I have all of my gear lined up and ready to go, and first pin will be on Monday.

Also threw on a squat suit last night for the second time ever and (straps down) ended up with a single box squat at 495+100 lbs in chains. First time I've ever hit depth in a suit.
Well, first pin into the right quad is over and done with... Had to get psyched up and was pretty nervous. Got everything prepped, lined the pin up, held my breath and put it up against my skin. I was getting ready to push it in, when I realized that it had already peirced skin and I hadn't felt it. It ended up being that easy. Didn't feel a thing the whole time. Due to nerves, I forgot to aspirate to check for blood until 1/4 way through injecting.

Overall, much much easier than I thought it would be. Hopefully knowing that that might help another newbie who might be nervous about it.

First dose of P Plex also down... Down the rabbit hole we go!
Good man. Same thing for me on my first pin...It was in before I knew it, and it was cake. Just DONT forget to aspirate'll get you when you least expect it. haha. Good luck. Hows the quad feeling today. I usually hit glutes, ventro glute and delts....Did my first quad pin yesterday...kinda sore today, not too bad. But I have to pin again today so Im gonna go left quad. How's yours feel?
Good man. Same thing for me on my first pin...It was in before I knew it, and it was cake. Just DONT forget to aspirate'll get you when you least expect it. haha. Good luck. Hows the quad feeling today. I usually hit glutes, ventro glute and delts....Did my first quad pin yesterday...kinda sore today, not too bad. But I have to pin again today so Im gonna go left quad. How's yours feel?

Oh, it's totally fine. Basically feels like any other sore muscle, which is a sensation I'm already familiar with. If I wasn't, I'd probably need to rethink some things.
Good...glad to hear it. Your one of the lucky ones..Quads are a great spot. Easy to reach and see, and a LARGE muscle group that can handle the volumes of different AAS. Yeah my right was cake, left one seems tender already (only 6 hrs later.) So I envy you on that one. haha. Do us all a favor and throw some pics up when you get a chance, really helps paint the well as Showcase your gains. And especially get pics before and after the VAR...Its a favorite of mine, and the photos Ive seen so far after guys' Anavar (var) runs have been pretty dramatic. G'Luck
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Here it is, from just a second ago. Bear in mind, I'm a powerlifter, so my primary focus is strength, not physique. However, I am hoping to lean out on this cycle since my hormones will finally be in a favorable ratio. The zero carb and Anavar (var) at the end should also help.
Second pin down, left quad this time. It was about an hour ago, and it's getting some aches already, so it may be pretty angry tomorrow. Remembered to aspirate this time, though!

Training Monday was floor press. Used a football bar (which I kind of hate- puts all of the weight on my thumbs and forces my elbows out in order to compensate), worked up to 225 lbs bar weight plus 100 lb of chains for a triple. Used the thruster rig to hit shoulders for 4x10 and then kettlebell upright rows for 3x8.

Today squatting took 90 minutes, so I didn't get any accessories in. Second week of suited max effort, so this time I used my own single ply suit, which is MUCH tighter than the one I borrowed last week. Hit a single of 500 lb to a parallel box.

So far, I haven't felt any different in terms of strength or otherwise. My traps and my back seem to be a little thicker today, but that may have been the squats.
Dynamic Bench/Rep work today-
Incline bench: 3 sets of max reps with 135 lb. Brutal. Got 17x14x12. Definitely a weak at high rep work at the moment, but I'll be hitting it hard these next couple weeks.
Rear delt flies: 4x10 with 20 lb dumbbells
Trap Bar Shrugs: 3x15 with 225ish, with 5 second pauses at the top on every fifth rep.
Grip work- Captains of crush and a little bit of the hub grip.

Up 4 lbs already, starting to look a little bulgier. Nothing noticed in terms of strength or otherwise. Just got the rest of my supplies in, so I'll be starting the proviron tomorrow. I've been upping my protein and sleep-- I ate a 1.5 lbs of steak yesterday and learned a lesson. One steak is delicious, two is kind of messed up.
First glute pin last night. Went fine, little more uncomfortable than the quads and I don't really like not being able to directly see where I'm pinning.

Up a total of 6 lbs today according to the shipping scale at work. Starting EOD pins of NPP tonight, so I get to pin in some of the smaller places.
Starting to see some strength gains in my ME floor press workout today. Worked up to a single at 315 lbs, 5 lbs under my competition bench PR from 4 weeks ago.

Pinned first dose of NPP into the right delt tonight... Worst spot yet. Felt it all the way in... I'm wondering if flexibility issues made me push it in crooked or something.
Hit 600 lbs in my single ply suit today... Felt absolutely wild! Definitely hitting some strength increases now. I was absolutely pumped about getting to the gym all day at work today. Felt awesome! Also hit SSB pause squats with a band between my knees for 2 sets of 5 reps with 5 second pauses. Then hit 2x10 pullups before I had to jet.

About to pin deca, test, and NPP. Question for anyone who looks at this in the next few minutes-- Is ~3ml into a glute too much for one pin? My first glute pin did give me a bit of PIP, but nothing unbearable. Would rather not pin twice if I can get away with it.
Start of week three... Some bullet points-

-My shoulders get some wicked PIP. Not sure if I just don't have enough lateral delts to comfortably take much gear (powerlifters are notorious for having huge front delts and zero lateral), or if they just need some time to get used to the intrusion. After the left shoulder, I'm inclined to avoid them altogether. I'd rather stick to quads and glutes, which seem to have little to no issues.
-Seeing more strength gains, and recovery from workouts seems to be up. I even get the sense that I'm sleeping better. Seeing some physical changes. Traps and shoulders are noticeably larger and my old friends "Shoulder Veins" are coming out every once in a while again. I hadn't seen them since I was 165 lb a couple years ago.
-Weight gain stalled, so I'm now going to backload six days a week rather than four, but I'll leave one no-carb day for the time being. Might have to start eating more during the day, as well... I'm having a bit of trouble trying to stuff 3500+ calories in the 4 hour window I have at home before bed.
-Acne has never been an issue for me, but I do tend to have somewhat oily skin naturally. Since starting on Proviron, that seems to have stopped.
-No other sides to report at this juncture.

Word. I'll update again after Wednesday's pin.
Well, what a week it's been... Pumps are starting to kick in a lot, which is turning out to be a bad thing. I have a bulging disc in my lower back from a tire flipping mishap a couple years ago, and the extra pump that I'm constantly experiencing in the low back is enough to put pressure on the nerves in that area. It is basically causing a large amount of pain whenever I'm in a seated position or standing for more than 20 minutes. I'm waiting to get in to see my PT to determine a course of action.

Workouts don't seem to make it worse, but I took it easy on the lower body work this week as kind of a precaution. It's even preventing me from getting into my set up on bench. If it continues, I may have to drop my dosages to try and help get around this. At times, it has felt pretty debilitating and I'm concerned that it's only going to get more intense as the test kicks in more. It doesn't feel worth it to make huge gains if it lands me in bed with pain the whole time.

An alternative would be possibly finding a supplement routine that might help control the muscle pumps. I've heard relatively high doses of potassium and taurine might help. Anyone have any input on this?

It's a shame, because other than the back, I have been feeling amazing. Size seems to be going up rapidly, I "feel" like a monster, and weight was up to 216 lb on Friday. All my pants and underwear are almost to tight in the calves and quads areas, but too loose at the waist, and I can't roll up most long sleeves over my forearms. Feels like a pretty awesome problem to have,