First SARMS bulking cycle...need help & opinions


New member
Hi Everybody,

I'm back in the gym only a couple months and I want to get in shape as soon as possible and I only have 2 months (my wedding wohoo). So I'm trying to stay away from AAS as far as possible specially at this time and I
m gonna try SARMS for the first time after I did some research about them being as much effective as AAS in many ways ( not in a professional way though which I don't need now). So I'm 27 yo..5'5" ..140 lbs ( I lost about 15 pounds in the last few weeks cuz I'm fasting ) and I want to put on at least 15 more lbs. I've been working out since 2008.

This is the cycle I'm thinking about

1-8 Ostarine 25mg ED ( so one SARMS1 MK-2866 bottle 50mg/ml @ 30ml will fit did i do the math right ? )
1-8 S4 25mg ED
1-8 LGD 5mg ED

Week 9: Clomid 50mg/day, Nolva 20mg/day

Week 10: Clomid 50mg/day. Nova 20mg/day

Please let me know if there's anything that needs to be added or removed. This is a BULKING only cycle.

Thanks a bunch
One more question, Do I need to add HCGenerate to weeks 1-10 ? because of LGD I don't want to shut down my test
Sarms... Hmmm... Get a good diet plan. Magic isn't going to happen in a couple months no matter what you take bud...
Yes of course diet is so important I always keep it in mind. Do you have any comment on my Sarms cycle above?
Running those 3 sarms together you will most def be shutdown. Youre prob better off running test w them or you're going to have to really up the serm dose during cycle. Even if you up the.serm dose by a lot I'm not sure it'd be enough to compensate. Youre prob better off running a trt dose of test at least.
I took the s4 out and I got some Hcgenerate to run with the LGD and MK2866 starting week 2 or 3.. Do I still need the clomid through the cycle?