First SARMS Cycle - Going well but I'm still nervous...


New member
I started my first SARMS cycle on Monday. It's also my first cycle of anabolics in general. I feel really good, but I still have some concerns...

So a little background: I'm 22 years old, 6'1", 150 lbs, skinny as fuck (naturally ~8% body fat despite eating a ton). Super hard gainer. I lift 6 times a week, and I've been lifting for a year.

I want to take SARMS to more rapidly reach my biological limit for muscularity, then taper off. My goal is long term success. So I'm using a very small dose.

My cycle is:

Weeks 1 to 6: ~8 mg Ostarine + 5 caps hcgenerate
Weeks 7 to 10: 12.5 mg clomid + 5 caps hcgenerate

The doses are so low because I wanted to start experimentally and also because all substances (caffeine, weed, drugs, sups) have always affected me very strongly.

So far it's day 6 and I'm experiencing feelings of improved confidence and well being, a general feeling of strength and capability, and a crapload more energy than I normally have.

My body also radiates heat 24/7 from my stomach right now. I've always ran a bit cold so this is new. I'm visibly more muscular/toned by a small amount, and I think I may have a tiny bit of suppression. I am definitely feeling increased strength in the gym. I'm more thirsty than ever too - I want like 2 gallons of water a day and my body is demanding more sleep than ever.

So... Okay. TL;DR This is my first cycle, I'm seeing amazing results despite extremely low doses, what can I do to further optimize my gains and ensure more long term success/avoid long term consequences?