First Steroid Cycle Progress

Putting weight and pictures up tomorrow, I wanted to ask a few questions really quick.I have not seen any sides bad sides so far im starting to notice im more sensitive to depressing movies,and my sex drive just went out the roof as off a couple days ago.Also have stare at your self for a hour syndrome lmao. you guys have any of these besides the last one.And final question sorry for grammar, and spelling its way to late at night,I was going to start using dbol but when i did some more reading around most people on forums taking dbol used a AI the entire cycle even after they were done with the dbol?Should I take only as needed or add that into the cycle till my last pin?

quick recap my two weeks will be tomorrow, with my fourth inject.
Dosage so far
Week one:1000ml frontload, 250ml no Dbol
Week two:250ml*2 no dbol

eating some chicken and protien and off to bed.
Take .25 mg of arimidex eod or get some aromasin for ai I am sure you can find the dose for that with dbol you definitely need an ai run it right to your pct but not during.
From the photos you posted, you didn't need a cycle, you needed a solid high calories diet and some heavy compound lifts. Considering your starting weight and height the phrase 'easy come, easy go' will be very relevant to you once you finish PCT.

Spot On.
I don't get softer on sad movies. I'm horny from the minute I wake up to the minute i go to sleep, drives my old lady nuts. And yeah some times I look in the mirror but only at home, not one of them gym flexers that's a no flex zone haha
Good luck on the cycle! A good rule of thumb until you're able to talk to 3J is try to eat about a fist-size portion of protein and a fist size portion of carbs, 5-6 times a day. Keep us updated on your progress!
Heads up guys I finally hit 150lbs im freaking shit I have never weight this much in my life. Also started dbol today will post current pictures in the morning night guy!
Good luck on the cycle! A good rule of thumb until you're able to talk to 3J is try to eat about a fist-size portion of protein and a fist size portion of carbs, 5-6 times a day. Keep us updated on your progress!

Thanks! I have decided to hold of on 3j as of now and use them for my cut cycle im gaining really good right now and waiting to use them on a proper healthy cut cycle would be better.
Update:day two on the dbol not liking it that much feeling a little off taking 50mg a day thinking to dropping it down to 30mg.Also noticed my Fella's was hiding out last night took my AI and there back to swinging.About to post some pictures on here in just a second.whats some of the sides you guys got from dbol?