First Steroid Cycle Progress

All I can do is shake my head at the misuse of steroids here, I don't even know what to say. The only thing that will help you get where you want, and im assuming that a place where you have more muscle, is FOOD. No amount of any compound is going to get you there when you don't have anything to start with. No disrespect but holy fuck.
All I can do is shake my head at the misuse of steroids here, I don't even know what to say. The only thing that will help you get where you want, and im assuming that a place where you have more muscle, is FOOD. No amount of any compound is going to get you there when you don't have anything to start with. No disrespect but holy fuck.

Not sure what to say either. This guy was severely under weight so maybe some test was an OK move. But I've always looked at steroids as something to improve your physique not make your physique.
Not sure what to say either. This guy was severely under weight so maybe some test was an OK move. But I've always looked at steroids as something to improve your physique not make your physique.

Guys new to the game just don't know. Steroids don't and cant make something out of nothing, all they do is take what you have and make it bigger. VERY few compounds can do what new user think all steroids will do. And I am in now way going to even mention the names of them here, lol.
Quick update almost at 160 the weight gain slowed down.since I started to run my ai the bloat in my stomach dissapeared and I lost 9lbs my abs are very visable again.will put some pictures up soon!
current weight 156lbs
thanks guys for following will try to keep you more updated works been kicking my ass.
I work out 2 hours every other day (because of my work schedule) I focus on one muscle at a time I feel and see muvh better gains when doing that.
Sorry guys really busy with work and what not cycle is almost to a end I'm 175 in the morning and reach up to 183 during the day.i feel like I could of gotten to 190 this cycle if work didn't get into the way. Will attempt and post some before I start my pct thanks for following me guys!