First steroid cycle test e / anavar


New member
Hey everybody so I have been lifting for some time now and I have been a long time forum reader so it's time to start my own.
My stats are
6 foot
180 pounds
bench 235
squat 345
deadlift 315 x 8
10% bf estimated...
I will be taking test e once a week at 250 mg/ weeks 1-10
Anavar weeks 1-6/8 50 mg ED (until I run out)
and have clomid on hand and for my PCT.
i have a very clean diet. im actually consuming 2200 calories a day and thats obviously a calorie deficit. One question I have before i start is... My main thing i want out of this cycle is to cut down on bf and build lean mass so put on maybe 10 pounds. I'm aware thats body recomp and i was wondering if you guys think this is possible and if so, if my calorie count is good or should i bump it up? Pretty much wanna cut down bf % and put on size (lean mass mainly) for summer. please leave input AND CRITIC THIS ALL YOU WANT I WANT TO HEAR IT.. but do not come and tell me not to take it because it is happening i just want positive critc advice to help my cycle as much as u guys can..
Hello :wavey: .... Welcome to the board

OP you did not tell us your age so I wonder is that why you said not to tell you No don't do this ?/

So we will tell you do as you will , just know the risks if you are under age 23,-25

Do a real cycle would be double the Test dose.

As far as gaining 10/lbs of ,as you said, Lean Muscle Mass forget it. I refer to LMM.

You can gain ten lbs and pro will with more calories but I'm here to tell you that a man can only gain 15 - 20/lbs of LMM on one year Not in 10-12 weeks. This FACT does have several variables.

You 10 lbs will amount to Approx. maybe 4 lbs LMM and 6 lbs water. This would be a very successful cycle. This also being that you keep your BF% as is. You don't need Var , it will be your diet and how you train.

Good luck
Hey Mike, I've seen you post this many times about LMM gains per year and wanted to ask a question.

I remember reading somewhere a new body builder can gain 10-15 lbs LMM 1st year, 7-8 2nd year, 3 3rd year, and a pound or so thereafter.

Does that jive with what you are advising? Are those natty gains, with potential for more on AAS?
I'm 37 yo, just took my weight and had scan done. Up 15lb and 10% bf. Zero water! I agree, the var could prolly go, but I've started it so might as well finish. I've added lmm and kept same bf %.