First Test E Cycle - Possibly a Fake


New member
Want to start of saying thanks to everyone on the forum. I have been researching on here for a few years now and appreciate all of the effort you guys put into this.

Here is the problem:

I am on the last day of my week 4 pin of 250mg Test E from the 1mL amps from Galenika. I got them from my "dad's brother", if you follow what I'm saying. I haven't gained any weight and my strength increases are comparable to regular lifting.

My cycle:
250mg Test E 2X a week
250iu of HcG 2x a week starting the 3rd week
.25mg Arimidex EOD

Hcg Blast 500iux 4 Days

Third week after last pin:
Nolva 40 x2 weeks
20 x2 weeks

Got it from 3J. Roughly 3800 Cals per day. Heavy in brown rice and sweet potatoes. Plenty of protein sources.

Solidly designed. 2 days on/one day off because of my work schedule. 4 exercises X 3 sets for the larger muscle groups and 3 exercises by 3 sets for the smaller. Rep count 12-10-8.

Max bench 315
Squat- 365
Dead- 365

26 male
Been lifting since I was 17. Started at 130 and have been at 180 for the past few years
BF% 11% according to the electronic monitor at the gym.

I am doing this exact cycle with another friend of mine and he has yet to notice anything either. I plan on getting blood work done in week 6 and compare it to my blood work pre-cycle.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide.
Test E is a long esters steroids that take 5 to 7 WEEKS to KICK IN so be patience adn wait,..if your gear is legit wait till week 7 for some results.
Appreciate the replies.

I was thrown off a bit by people saying they were noticing effects into week 3.

I will keep you guys updated as to what happens.

Gotta get weighed again.
Well did you get bloodwork? Don't say stuffs fake unless you have bloodwork to prove it. Though you just finished week four. Wait a few more weeks before you jump to conclusions. Long ester test is more or leas slow steady gains. You don't wake Ip one day and juat feel jacked.
I did not claim it was a fake. Posting my questions on a respected board to get opinions on it.

Heading in for blood tomorrow morning.
Been using Private MD Labs. Good experience so far. I'll let you know the second go around. Should have the results tomorrow or the next day.
Got the results back. Let me know what you guys think.

Measured in Testosterone Serum

Pre-Cycle- 617

7 Weeks In - 1327

From what I've read it should be a bit higher.

Any opinions?