Thanks for all the advice guys, But yeah -- As Cls had said, I will be running Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle - no question about it. Also, I probably will not be var'ing, but will probably save clen for after cycle.
Ok, So I've decided and realized that I will have some Test-E left after a 12 week cycle.. So I was thinking about running Test E @ 500 for 14 weeks. This sound good? and then run post cycle therapy (pct) and etc after.
will continue to follow this one man. looking at a pretty similar cycle in sept. will be running test E, a-dex, and hcg. then normal pct after. just cant find where to get my test from :/ best of luck with the gains
Oh I have found everything, including Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - Not taking Adex anymore, taking Aromasin. I plan on buying it all either tomorrow or friday.
Could you possibly tell me where..or send me a PM. because everything I have found seems to be nonlegit site. Looking for an all-in-one site to get it all from like you. thanks in advance.
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