First test e cycle



its my first time on B D test e, im pinning 500mg, im currently on week 4....
should i be noticing any effects by now?
i have gained about half a stone within these 4 weeks , but i have also increased my food consumption too. so i not sure if the roids are working?
lol did you post up your face and use your real name as your username? ballsy.

anyway.. On my first and only test e cycle I noticed some things in week 4, but not weight gain. It kicked in full swing by week 6
what did you notice ?

btw, its not my real name, just a name i use for all the websites and forums i log on to!
I nOticed a bit of back acne by week 4. Strength was up a bit but not sure Uc it was the test or the hard work.

Take it easy bro and give it two weeks. Week 4 is early yet to worry about bunk gear I think. Worrying won't help!
Cool, i wasnt worrying to much,, i just dont quiet know what to expect or how to detect if the juice is a dud!
If you aren't experiencing any effects such as: increase in libido, oily skin, aggression, acne, strength increase, water weight, etc. Then it's probably bunk gear, but just be patient, after 12 weeks you'll know lol.
My first cycle was test e and deca. I went up 15kg's in 6 weeks.. Sounds strange to me that u not feel anything..
test e only cycle took 5 weeks before I really noticed gains. you're probably gaining at a slow rate, wait another week it'll hit ya bro
im just staring my 4th weeks of my first test e cyle too and i dont really feeling anything yet either. Just got to wait it out a few more weeks. I got no patience :O
im just staring my 4th weeks of my first test e cyle too and i dont really feeling anything yet either. Just got to wait it out a few more weeks. I got no patience :O

Main reason why I added DBol has a kickstart for mine :spin:

Whenever I buy something I always have no patience to try/feel it.