First time and Looking for advice


New member
Im 23, 180lbs, 5'9 and a reasonably experienced natural bodybuilder , im looking for some advice on running my first course of sus 250. To kickstart I have 100/10mg dbol, sustanon 250 , I have arimidex and nolvadex on hand also.
My supplement stack includes , beta alanine , creatine , zma, bcaas, taurine , whey and tribulus terrestis.
My diet is protein maxed ,good and clean. (Although I know I may need to step it up when I'm on the gear)
After hearing and reading so many different opinions of what works and does not I fear I have over informed myself and have become lost amongst the info.

I would like advice on how often / how much to pin and if it matters what size pins?
When, what , how much and how often for pct?
If any of my supps will interfere / compliment gear?
And any other helpful advice is welcomed and appreciated
Thanks in advance. :)
sus is not the way to go for 1st cycle most suggest test e 500mg per week look for begginers cycle on the stickys mate got everything u need to no
Welcome. While I recommend that you wait another year or so to ensure full development and prevent permanent damage, I'll outline a few pointers in case you decide to go with it anyway...

1. Sustanon (sust) includes a short ester, to take advantage, you need to inject every other day. 500mg weekly would suffice. To avoid too many injections, consider Cyp.
2. To prevent testicular atrophy and function, and to speed up recovery you'll need HCG, run this at 250iu twice weekly.
3. PCT starts 3 weeks after last injection with Clomid at 75/50/50/50 and Tamox at 40/20/20/20.
4. You'll need to control estrogen, use an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex and dose at 0.25mg every other day.
5. Save Dbol for future cycles. You need to get used to test and see how your body reacts to that alone. Adding more compounds will only bring on more side effects and you won't be able to determine which one is the culprit.

Note, the PCT outlines above... each number represents the daily dose for that week, for a 4 week total therapy cycle.

I understand that you feel your diet is clean. I'll note that almost every single first time user fails to understand how important this is. Sustanon will not yield much results, if any, should your diet be lacking. You should spend time in the nutrition section and have your diet evaluated by an experienced professional. Once you've learned how to eat, then you should consider this cycle. Steroids merely amplify the effects of your nutritional plan, if your plan is poor, your results will reflect that.

Best of luck.
Welcome. While I recommend that you wait another year or so to ensure full development and prevent permanent damage, I'll outline a few pointers in case you decide to go with it anyway...

1. Sustanon (sust) includes a short ester, to take advantage, you need to inject every other day. 500mg weekly would suffice. To avoid too many injections, consider Cyp.
2. To prevent testicular atrophy and function, and to speed up recovery you'll need HCG, run this at 250iu twice weekly.
3. PCT starts 3 weeks after last injection with Clomid at 75/50/50/50 and Tamox at 40/20/20/20.
4. You'll need to control estrogen, use an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex and dose at 0.25mg every other day.
5. Save Dbol for future cycles. You need to get used to test and see how your body reacts to that alone. Adding more compounds will only bring on more side effects and you won't be able to determine which one is the culprit.

Note, the PCT outlines above... each number represents the daily dose for that week, for a 4 week total therapy cycle.

I understand that you feel your diet is clean. I'll note that almost every single first time user fails to understand how important this is. Sustanon will not yield much results, if any, should your diet be lacking. You should spend time in the nutrition section and have your diet evaluated by an experienced professional. Once you've learned how to eat, then you should consider this cycle. Steroids merely amplify the effects of your nutritional plan, if your plan is poor, your results will reflect that.

Best of luck.

well said austinite....robbied listen to what austinite said very clued up about roids this one allways givin good advice
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Hey austinite thanks for the info.
Thank you , the recommendation to wait another year is noted but I feel I have been at a sticking point for some time now and really struggling to see any strength/size gains over past few months, so I feel I'm ready for this.
I have inquired about hcg and waiting to see when it's available :).
Ah dude , sus has been purchased and as I am at the arse end of no where it was pretty pricey so at the moment it's my only option!
As for my diet , after research I feel my calorie and carb intake should be increased slightly apart from that I think I'm good.
Will periodically post my results when I start in a few weeks :)
Thanks a bunch!