First time brewin....not too well


Getting ripped
So I’m done with my first fina converting!
It SUCKED!!!!!
I fucked up pretty bad.
Everthing went well until I started filtering the oil. I took all the solution from the vial and filled into the final sterile vial while filtering at the same time. When almost all the oil was taken from the first vial the final vial was already full.
Then it struck me....I hadn’t meausered how much oil I had from the beginning. I took for granted that the finakit I had bought from universalkits would contain 20ml of oil. But nopz. Stupid of me not to check first! But it’s my first time so I’m not too hard on my self =)
Anyway, I measured the oil and it came out to be 25.5ml.
So I put 20ml of the oil into the last sterile vial and was happy....until I remembered the 2ml I had saved for getting that last fina from the filter.
So now I have 22ml in the vial.
But what will the concentration be....well not too bad.
I used 2g of finaplix and 25.5ml of oil. But only 22ml is in the vial.
So if my math is correct I will have a concentration of 2000mg/27.5ml= 78.4mg/ml
Hopefully it’ll go better next time!
Wish me luck!
i am not sure what you're asking...are you saying that the sterile vial is SMALLER than the vial that your tren/oil solution was in?
so you have 2ml of unfiltered tren?
I'm not really asking anything.
The only thing that surprised me was that the oil vilas had more than 20ml's of oil in them and therefore made my calculations wrong. I wanted a 100mg/ml conc. in a 20ml vial.
Next time I'll check how much there is!
Our 2G kit comes with a 25ml final vial and there is just enough dissolving solution and oil once the pellets or powder is added (considering loss in filtration) to yield 20ml total volume delivering 100mg/ml. Keep in mind it says on the site if you wish to make a weaker concentration just ask and we will provide the extra oil at no additional charge. Plus we will provide other types of oil if requested when placing your order..... who else does that? BTW I do whatever it takes to gurantee customer satisfaction. Who does that? So please don't attck my kits, this was his first conversion and I'm sure not as bad as he thinks. FINA is almost impossible to screw up.
something strange....

The first conversion went quite good. I'm not fully satisified wih the results but I thought the second one would be better...but oh! was I wrong!!!
I did everything by the book.
Like the first conversion but I measured the oil =)
Mr. U, I must say that it's a very good thing that you put in a bit of extra oil. I am not attacking your kits or your service for that matter. Very fast delivery, prices and communivation! Just wanted to clear that up.

Anyway...The second conv. I did a little bit different. I let the pellets dissolve for 3-4 days in "magic solution" without any shaking. I made sure it was fully dissolved the last day by chaking the vial to see if there were any undissolved pellets. It went well. Then I added the sterile oil to the fina/oil and started filtering it.
The thing I did diff. from the first conv. was that I filtered it 3-4 times to make sure no fina was wasted.
The strange thing was that it only became lighter in colour and some fina wen throught the filter so I took another filter and filtered it on and on again. Still some brownish oil came through.
Now the solution is gold yellow and also...when filtering it the solution looked as though it was something white in it, when dripping from the funnel.
Could it have to do with something that I had to sterile a new vial myself? I used tapwater and baked the empty vial for 1hour at 275. When I took it out of the oven, something white, like powder was on the vial.
I don't know if I spoiled the whole thing. What shall I do??
come on'

What shall I do with the second conversion? Should I just throw it away??
It has a very strange colour and much more light yellow then the first one. Could it be that I failed totally. How can that be possible?!

The white stuff......could it be from the coffee filter? It's bleached......

It's some white powder stuck on the funnel. Don't know what it can be or where it came from. Will buy a new one. What do I wash it with? I don't have any ethanol.