First Time Cycle (Test-E)

All good info. I'm going to just keep doing what I do. Oils in meat, Water in belly fat.
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thanks to the above posters regarding the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), i've delayed my cycle for a few days just to get some extra reading done. i know what to do and how to do it, i'd just like to learn a bit more on WHY i am doing it all.

i think i will be starting the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) two weeks into cycle, only because that is when it will arrive, so i still have a couple more weeks of reading with regards to the HCG. the test shots will be done Mon & Thur into the quad first week, then see about the glute afterwards. want to make sure i have a decent look at what im doing the first couple of times.

would have like to have dosed the Adex at .25mg EOD but will most likely be doing .50mg E3D. may try to cut a pill just to see how hard it is but i'm not that fussed.
a quick update, did my first pin on Tuesday. Friend did it for me, a lot easier than I first anticipated. Took 0.25mg adex the following morning and felt slightly hot a few hours later but that's about it. Going to stick to 0.25mg eod and go from there rather than dosing higher and having to taper down.

Strangely I had no pip at all, today there is a very slight ache but nothing that bad at all, again something that was a pleasant surprise.

Will be starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) two weeks from first pin, an extra but of cash is nothing when it comes to testicular functioning in my opinion, but that's just me. Looking forward to the coming weeks.
second pin done this morning. wasn't as smooth sailing as the first with help, but that was to be expected. first entry i aspirated and a large air bubble came out, not sure whether that was me just pulling back on the plunger and forcing the needle out as well or just being in the wrong place.

took it out, changed pin and went in again. this time i made sure it was firmly in. some people say they feel a small 'pop' when they go past the skin and into the muscle, but i didn't feel that. anyway, aspirated and a few tiny bubbles came out, so i went for it. slight bit of blood came out after exit, i assume that is sometimes expected.

i have a question, when pinning is it really just a case of 50/50 when finding the spot? if you aspirate and there are bubbles yes, if you aspirate and there's blood then no? or can it become more complicated than that?
Pip has started to kick in now, with bruising showing up at the injection site. I assume this can happen often and doesn't mean infection?
You're fine. A bit of blood is normal. Bruising is usually a sign of poor technique, but nothing to be concerned about, it just means you need more practice. Pip could be the gear, could be the technique. Keep a steady hand and push the oil slowly. If your hand shakes, the tip of the needle can slice up muscle fibers. If you push the oil in too fast, you can create a bubble that will push muscle fibers apart, causing them to tear. Try for about 30 seconds per ml to give the oil time to work it's way in. If you have to stop and start a few times, do that.

Google IM injections and find a diagram showing where to do it. Some spots have more nerves/veins than others, so just aiming for the thick part of the muscle isn't good enough. Even so, you will eventually hit something you don't want to, but it's not that big of a deal.
Yeah I thought that were the case, could have definitely slowed down when injecting and it was on the side that was awkward. Strange to think I now look forward to pinning.

May post my workouts here too just to give people more insight into how everything's progressing.
Great session in the gym today, knowing these next few months are crucial really gives me that extra bit of motivation.

Strangely, although eating a lot more, I seem to have reduced my body fat. Unsure whether this is due to the adex reducing water weight or possibly another supplement, but I'm going with it. Going to keep an eye on calorie intake and weight over the next week to make sure I'm not just eating too little.
Today's injection was a lot smoother than the last, thanks to Rumpys tips. Did have to repin as an air bubble appeared, maybe not necessary but didn't bother taking any risks. Tiny one appeared next but pressed on anyway, taking my time. No blood on exit, job done.

What is the general consensus on air bubbles when pinning?
When you do the injection its much less of a 50/50 to hit a vein. But when u do remember where that is. same w nerves. Go in very slowly, and push the plunger down over 30sec or so. after, take ur pointer and middle finger knuckles and knead deep and hard on the inj spot with a tissue over the hole. (as long as there is blood not oil coming out) This will minimize the bruising and pip. IMO works well
Last pin for the week done today, got the technique down pretty nicely now, always more awkward on the opposite side but still very easy going.

have been taking adex at .25mg e3d but have started to feel a slight ache in both of my nipples, so going to start with .25mg eod and go from there. is it common for test e to be working this quickly, i was under the assumption it took up to four weeks?
ok, so i need four more vials to finish off the last two weeks of my cycle. clearly this isn't for a while (8 weeks) but i like to be prepared. the vials come in packs of 5. would it be worth me doing an extra vial sooner rather than later, or just throwing it away?
Pinning is a breeze now, no issues. Vascularity seems to have increased and muscles appear to be 'firmer', could all just be in my head. Slight increase in strength and definitely eating more, so far so good. Three weeks in.
Next pin tomorrow, adex also. Keeping it at e3d at the moment rather than eod. Already seeing results which is pleasing.
Strength is already increasing, again I was only expecting things six weeks in. Very happy with how things are going so far at such an early time, so far no concerns at all.
hit something on the way out of pinning today, a surprise spurt of blood went all over the floor. rather than worrying about the blood spraying over the furniture, i was more worried that i wasted my test. after some research, i don't think that were the case.

will probably try the z method of pinning next time, cleaning up was a pain in the ass.
so i'm not the only one whose had some issues with pinning, am roughly 5 weeks into my test e cycle and the pinning gets better with time, pip is becoming less and less with each pin, hope you next pin is better man! will be following, good luck!
When I read about PIP before the cycle I thought it would be a huge amount of pain for days. It really isn't anything to be concerned about, for me at least. I think if the blood spurt happened in the first week I would have freaked out, my only concern was losing test. Funny how much difference a few weeks makes.

I have an extra 250mg of test left over, should I use that up or just stick to 500mg throughout and throw it away?
adding to the previous post, i have had a tight chest for the past couple of days. breathing is fine, but it is there. now, im in the UK and the pollen count is high, so it could be that. another factor that i read about was that it could just be due to having a heavy back or chest day, possibly being a sign of growth.

my only concern is that it is test e related, although i would find that surprising seeing as though im four weeks in and this hasn't happened before. any thoughts?